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White\par \pard\nowidctlpar\sb120\qj\fs24 The purpose of this tract is to look at a few passages of scripture where the use of the verb \f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 could mean \b\i to count, to regard,\b0\i0 or \b\i to\b0\i0 \b\i esteem\b0\i0 . The Strongs Concordance defines \f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 as 2192. \f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , a primary verb; \b\i to hold\b0\i0 . The following ways in which it is translated is when \f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 is used alone and not in combination: \b count, following\b0 , \b have\b0 , \b hold\b0 , and \b kept\b0 . In the Analytical Greek Lexicon under \f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 there is a reference made to \cf2\ul Mat_14:5\cf0\ulnone "And when he [\ul Herod\ulnone ] would have put him [\ul John the Baptist\ulnone ] to death, he feared the multitude, because they \b counted\b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , imperfect, active, indicative\ulnone ], him as a prophet." It caught my eye that the context of this verse would support the meaning of the word \f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 as \b\i to hold, esteem,\b0\i0 or\b\i regard\b0\i0 . I thought that it will be profitable to examine other passages with this meaning in mind.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b REGARDED JOHN AS A PROPHET\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\kerning0\b0 I have already made reference to the passage in Matthew 14:5 where the people \b\i counted\b0\i0 John the Bapist a prophet. In \cf2\ul Mat_21:26\cf0\ulnone "But if we shall sayLVAL, Of men; we fear the people; for all \b hold \b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative esteem\b\i , \b0\i0 regard\ulnone ) John as a prophet." the translation of \f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 is \b\i hold. \b0\i0 The present tense of the verb \b\i hold\b0\i0 reflects the continuing conviction that John the Baptist was a prophet of God. \par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b PAUL REGARDED A PARTNER\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul\b0 Phm_1:17\cf0\ulnone "If thou \b count \b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative esteem\b\i , \b0\i0 regard\ulnone ) me therefore a partner, receive him as myself." Paul knew that Philemon held him in high esteem as \b\i partners\b0\i0 in the ministry and therefore could appeal to him on behalf of his run away slave, Onesimus.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b THE MIND OF CHRIST\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul\b0 1Co_2:16\cf0\ulnone "For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we \b have\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative esteem\b , \b0 regard\ulnone ) the mind of Christ." If we have the mind of Christ then no one needs to instruct us, but if we \b esteem\b0 the mind of Christ then we can be taught the principals of the mind of Christ.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b WE SHOULD ESTEEM KNOWLEDGE\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul\b0 1Co_8:1\cf0\ulnone\b \b0 "Now as touching things offered unto idols, we know that we all \b have\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative esteem, regard\ulnone ) \b knowledge\b0 . Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth." Not everyone has knowledge but everyone can esteem or regard knowledge. There are dangers in having much knowledge and one of the dangers is being puffed up. Proverbs exhorts us to have a higher regard for knowledge than for fine gold. \cf2\ul Pro_8:10\cf0\ulnone "Receive ... \b knowledge \b0 rather than choice gold."\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b ESTEEM ELVALPAPHRODITUS\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul Phi_2:29\cf0\ulnone\b0 "Receive him therefore in the Lord with all gladness; and \b hold \b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative esteem\b\i , \b0\i0 regard\ulnone ) \b such in reputation\b0 :" \cf2\ul Phi_1:1\cf0\ulnone "All the saints in Christ Jesus which are at Philippi, with the bishops and deacons:" were to esteem Epaphroditus as they would Paul. Epaphroditus was a companion in labour, and fellow soldier of Paul.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b REGARDING DOCTRINE\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul\b0 Rev_2:14-15\cf0\ulnone "But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that \b hold\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative esteem\b\i , \b0\i0 regard\ulnone ) \b the doctrine of Balaam\b0 , who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication.\i 15. \i0 So hast thou also them that \b hold\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative esteem\b\i , \b0\i0 regard\ulnone ) \b the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes\b0 , which thing I hate."\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b ESTEEM HIS COMMANDMENTS\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul\b0 Joh_14:21\cf0\ulnone "He that \b hath\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , \b\i esteem, regard\b0\i0 , present active participle\ulnone ) \b my\b0 \b commandments\b0 , and keepeth (\ul\f1\fs26 threw\f2\fs24 , present active participle, guarding\ulnone ) them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him." To have His commandments could imply possession of a copy of the Word of God. It makes better sense \b\i to\b0\i0 \b\i esteem\b0\i0 or \b\i to\b0\i0 \b\i regard\b0\i0 His commandments. By esteeming His commandments the level of intensity of keeping or guarding them is increased. Esteeming His commandments will reflect in the level of love and obedieLVALnce to those commandments.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b HAVE ETERNAL LIFE\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul\b0 Joh_3:14-16\cf0\ulnone "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:\i 15. \i0 That whosoever \b believeth\b0 in him should not perish, but \b have\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw,\f2\fs24 present active subjunctive, esteem\b\i , \b0\i0 regard\ulnone ) \b eternal\b0 \b life\b0 . \i 16. \i0 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever \b believeth\b0 in him should not perish, but \b have\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active subjunctive, esteem\b\i , \b0\i0 regard\ulnone ) \b everlasting\b0 \b life\b0 ."\par These verses are not dealing with lost people and their salvation, but with saved people and the consequences for their loathing of the manna that God was providing for them in the wilderness. \cf2\ul Num_21:5-6\cf0\ulnone "And the people spake against God, ...Wherefore have ye brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? for \i there is \i0 no bread, neither \i is there any \i0 water; and \b our\b0 \b soul\b0 \b loatheth\b0 \b this\b0 \b light\b0 \b bread\b0 .\i 6. \i0 And the LORD sent fiery \b serpents\b0 among the people, and they bit the people; and \b much\b0 \b people\b0 \b of\b0 \b Israel\b0 \b died\b0 ." The judgement of God came in the way of vipers that struck them and caused many of the Children of Israel to perish. If they perished in the wilderness they missed the inheritance that was promised them in the land flowing with milk and honey. The land flowing with milk and honey is a type of the heavenly inheritance that is set before us in the Millennial Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. \b\i Agelasting\b0\i0 \b\i life\b0\i0 and the inheritance in the Millennial Kingdom are the same. (\ul Refer to the tract Eternal Life Check It Out\ulnone ) The word \b\i eternal\b0\i0 is not a good translation of the Greek word \f1\fs26 aijw>n\f2\fs24 whiLVALch should be translated \b\i age\b0\i0 . \par \pard\nowidctlpar\sb60\qj If a child of God has no regard for the life that can be enjoyed in the coming kingdom of our Lord, he will not put forth the effort to enter into that kingdom by being obedient to His commandments and living by faith in this present age. It takes a worthy walk to enter into His Kingdom and Glory. \cf2\ul 1Th_2:12\cf0\ulnone "That ye would \b walk worthy \b0 (\ul appropriately, becoming, after a Godly sort\ulnone )\b \b0 of God, who hath called you unto his \b kingdom and glory\b0 ." If you do not esteem that honor highly you will not have what it takes to forsake all and follow Him.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b REGARD FOR AGELASTING LIFE\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul\b0 Joh_5:24\cf0\ulnone "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth [\ul present active participle\ulnone ] my word, and believeth [\ul present active participle\ulnone ] on him that sent me, \b hath\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative, \i esteem, regard\ulnone\i0 ) \b everlasting life\b0 , and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life." (\ul see the tract \cf2 Joh_5:24\cf0\i , Check It Out\ulnone\i0 ) If you highly esteem life for the age, you will continue in His word and will continue to believe what He says. If you continue to hear his word and continue to believe what he says, you will be faithful and obedient and you will not come into judgement. The \b\i death\b0\i0 referred to in this verse is the loss of the \b\i agelasting\b0\i0 \b\i life\b0\i0 that is associated with the coming Kingdom and glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. If we practice the first part of this verse because we esteem \b\i agelasting\b0\i0 \b\i life\b0\i0 , we will not experience the loss of that life in the coming millennial age. Esteeming life for the age will encourage us to endure sound doctrine by continuing to hear the word and to continue to believe what we hear.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qcLVAL\kerning28\b SEEING THE SON AND BELIEVING\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul\b0 Joh_6:40\cf0\ulnone "And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which \b seeth\b0 [to behold or to consider] the Son, and \b believeth\b0 [\ul present active participle\ulnone ] on \b him\b0 (the Son), \b may\b0 \b have\b0 (\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active subjunctive, \b\i esteem, regard\b0\i0 ) \b everlasting \b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 aiwn\f2\fs24 agelasting\ulnone ] \b life\b0 : and I will raise him up at the last day." The words \b\i seeth\b0\i0 and \b\i believeth\b0\i0 are present active participle which imply faithfulness in both \b\i considering\b0\i0 and \b\i believing\b0\i0 the Son. This should be the lifestyle of those who have been saved. The apostles were able to observe the Lord in their daily walk with him because they were following Him, but we must see and consider the Son by reading and musing on the Word of God. \par \pard\nowidctlpar\sb60\qj If we are following the Lord we are becoming like Him. We consider and reflect on the mind of Christ found in \cf2\ul Heb_5:8\cf0\ulnone "Though he were a \b Son\b0 , yet \b learned \b0 he \b obedience \b0 by the things which he suffered;" that we might learn obedience by the things we suffer. If we are seeing the Son we would be seeing the mind of Christ as presented in \cf2\ul Phi_2:5-9\cf0\ulnone "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:"\i "7. \i0 But made himself of \b no\b0 \b reputation\b0 , and took upon him the form of \b a servant\b0 , and was made in the likeness of men:\i 8. \i0 And being found in fashion as a man, he \b humbled\b0 \b himself\b0 , and \b became\b0 \b obedient\b0 unto death, even the death of the cross.\i 9. \i0 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:"\par We would see that Jesus Christ as an overcomer who was then granted to sit in the throne of His Father. Seeing the blessings of His Son we should be encouraged to be overcomers anLVALd sit with Him in his throne. \cf2\ul Rev_3:21\cf0\ulnone "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as \b I also overcame\b0 , and am set down with my Father in his throne." We would consider what is meant by \cf2\ul Rev_21:7\cf0\ulnone "He\b \b0 that\b overcometh\b0 shall \b inherit\b0 \b all\b0 \b things\b0 ; and I will be his God, and he \b shall be my son\b0 ." \par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b REGARD AGELASTING LIFE\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul\b0 Joh_6:47\cf0\ulnone "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that \b believeth\b0 [\ul present active participle\ulnone ] on me \b hath\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative, esteem\b\i , \b0\i0 regard\ulnone ) \b everlasting\b0 \b life\b0 ." Those that believe that they have life for the coming age is given to them when they are saved will unlikely continue to be faithful. \cf2\ul Luk_8:13\cf0\ulnone "They on the rock \i are they, \i0 which, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and \b these have no root\b0 , which for a \b while believe\b0 [\ul present active indicative\ulnone ]\b , \b0 and \b in time of temptation fall away\b0 ."\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b ESTEEM AGELASTING LIFE\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul\b0 1Jo_3:15\cf0\ulnone "Whosoever \b hateth\b0 his \b brother\b0 is a \b murderer\b0 : and ye know that \b no\b0 \b murderer\b0 \b hath\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative, esteem\b\i , \b0\i0 regard\ulnone ) \b eternal\b0 \b life\b0 abiding in him." This verse may imply that if you murder anyone you can't be saved. This verse and verse 14 is dealing with treatment of brothers and sisters in the Lord, and not siblings in a family. The murdering of a brother in the Lord takes place in the heart. This is murder after salvation. What are the consequences of murder after one comes in to a deeper knowledge of the truth? A partial list of the works of the flesh is found in \cf2\ul Gal_5:21\cf0\ulnone "EnvyLVALings, \b murders, \b0 drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told \i you \i0 in time past, that \b they which do such things\b0 shall \b\scaps not\b0\scaps0 \b inherit\b0 the \b kingdom of\b0 \b God\b0 ." Keep in mind that inherit is a family matter and not a salvation matter. What is basically being taught in this verse is that if you hate a brother in the Lord for any period of time, you have no regard for the life in the coming millennial kingdom abiding in your heart and thoughts where the hate abides. \cf2\ul 1Jo_3:14\cf0\ulnone "We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not \i his \i0 brother abideth in death." The word \b\i death\b0\i0 is the Greek words \f1\fs26 o qanatov\f2\fs24 and is reference to the loss of the life of honor and glory in the coming kingdom of our Lord. The spiritual condition of those who are lost is found in \cf2\ul Eph_2:1\cf0\ulnone "And you ...who were \b dead\b0 in trespasses and sins:" where the word dead is the Greek word \f1\fs26 nekrov\f2\fs24 . Both\f1\fs26 qanatov\f2\fs24 and \f1\fs26 nekrov\f2\fs24 are used when referring to physical death as well. If you hate your brother you do not realize what you are going to miss by this behavior. You will miss the privilege of sharing in the glory of the coming kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. If you will esteem life for the age, you will adjust your attitude and feelings toward a brother or sister in Christ.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b DENIETH THE SON\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul\b0 1Jo_2:23\cf0\ulnone "Whosoever \b denieth\b0 [\ul present middle participle\ulnone ] the \b Son\b0 , the same hath [\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative, esteemeth\ulnone ] not the Father: \i (but)\i0 he that acknowledgeth [present active participle, confesseth] \i \i0 the \b Son\b0 \b hath\b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative, esteemeth\ulnone ] the \b FathLVALer\b0 also."\i \i0 Both the Father and the Son are esteemed or regarded when the Son is confessed as well as the Father.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b HE THAT ESTEEMETH THE SON\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul\b0 1Jo_5:12\cf0\ulnone\b \b0 "He that \b hath\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active participle\ulnone ) \b the\b0 \b Son\b0 \b hath\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 e]cw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative\ulnone ) [\ul the\ulnone ] \b life\b0 ; \i and \i0 he that \b hath\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active participle\ulnone ) \b not \b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 ou\f2\fs24 , emphatic\ulnone ]\b the Son\b0 of God \b hath\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 e]cw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative\ulnone ) \b not\b0 [\ul the\ulnone ] \b life\b0 ." The phrases \f1\fs26 ecwn ton uion \f2\fs24 (\ul hath the Son\ulnone ) and \f1\fs26 ecei thn zwhv\f2\fs24 (\ul hath the life\ulnone ) only occur here in the New Testament. \par \pard\nowidctlpar\sb60\qj Too many Bible teachers teach this verse is dealing with salvation. The concept of salvation is not having the Son to be saved, but to \b\i believe\b0\i0 on Jesus Christ to be saved. The aorist tense of the verb \b\i believe\b0\i0 indicating that salvation is an event as shown in \cf2\ul Act_16:31\cf0\ulnone "...\b Believe\b0 on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved..." The word \b\i hath\b0\i0 in \cf2\ul 1Jo_5:12\cf0\ulnone may sound past tense, but on the contrary it is a present active participle indicating continuous action, which implies faithfulness on the part of the one \b\i that hath\b0\i0 \b\i the\b0\i0 \b\i Son\b0\i0 . He is not our possession but we are his possession "19. are not your own? 20 For ye are \b bought with \b0 a price." \cf2\ul 1Co_6:19-20\cf0\ulnone .\par The word \b\i hath\b0\i0 occurs four times in this verse. Each time the grammar of this word is in the present tense, whether a participle or a verb. It seems to me it would make better sense to translate the word \b\i hath\b0\i0 as \b\i esteeLVAL meth\b0\i0 or \b\i regardeth\b0\i0 . To esteem or regard the Son is to esteem or regard what Jesus Christ, the Son of God esteemed or regarded. Jesus told his disciples in \cf2\ul Joh_4:34\cf0\ulnone "... \b My meat \b0 is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work." \par The ultimate purpose of Jesus Christ was to please the Father. \cf2\ul Heb_12:2\cf0\ulnone "Looking unto Jesus ...; who \b for the joy\b0 that was set before him \b endured the cross\b0 , despising \b the shame, \b0 and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." \cf2\ul Rev_3:21\cf0\ulnone "To him that \b overcometh\b0 will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also \b overcame\b0 , and am \b set down \b0 with my Father in his throne." \cf2\ul Heb_5:8\cf0\ulnone "Though he were a \b Son\b0 , yet \b learned he obedience\b0 by the things which he suffered;" The things which he suffered was not only the cross of crucifixion but the daily cross that all of us must bear if we are going to please Him.\par In the context of 1 John 5.12 is \cf2\ul 1Jo_5:4-5\cf0\ulnone "For whatsoever is born of God \b overcometh \b0 [present active indicative] the world: and this is the victory that \b overcometh \b0 the world, \i even \i0 our faith.\i 5. \i0 Who is he that \b overcometh \b0 [present active participle] the world, but he that \b believeth\b0 [\ul present active participle\ulnone ] \b that Jesus is the Son of God\b0 ?" Only the saved can be victorious over the World and that victory is based upon whether we please God or not. \cf2\ul Heb_11:6\cf0\ulnone "But without \b faith\b0 \i it is \b\i0 impossible\b0 to \b please\b0 \i him...\i0 " The only way that you can be an overcomer is to believe that Jesus is the Son of God. \par What are the privileges of the overcomer? They are found in the second and third chapters of the book of Revelation. Just being saved does not make you an overcomer. Many who have been faithful to the Lord have made shipwreck of the faith. Paul warns Timothy in \cfLVAL!2\ul 1Ti_1:19\cf0\ulnone "Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made \b shipwreck:"\b0 and in\b \cf2\ul\b0 1Ti_4:1\cf0\ulnone "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall \b depart \b0 from the \b faith\b0 , ..." \par If we esteem what the Son of God esteemed we are going to esteem the life that those who are overcomers will enjoy in the millennial. \cf2\ul Rev_21:7\cf0\ulnone "He that \b overcometh\b0 shall \b inherit all things; \b0 and \b I will be his God\b0 , and \b he shall be my son\b0 ." \cf2\ul Rev_2:11\cf0\ulnone "... He that \b overcometh\b0 shall not be \b hurt \b0 of the \b second \b0 death." \cf2\ul Rev_20:6\cf0\ulnone "Blessed and holy \i is \b\i0 he\b0 [\ul the overcomer\ulnone ] that hath part in the \b first\b0 [best] resurrection: on such the \b second death \b0 hath no power [\ul not hurt\ulnone ], ... and shall \b reign\b0 with him a \b thousand\b0 \b years\b0 ." Jesus Christ was the only begotten Son of God. We are qualifying to become sons of God. We do that by being overcomers. We are not sons of God now but we can behave ourselves as a son by our faithfulness to Him. \par The phrase \b\i hath life\b0\i0 could be translated \b\i esteemeth the life\b0\i0 . The word \b\i life\b0\i0 has the definite article before it and it is defined in \cf2\ul 1Jo_5:11\cf0\ulnone "And this is the record, that God hath given to us \b eternal\b0 \b life\b0 , and this [the] life is in his Son." \cf2\ul Mat_19:16-17\cf0\ulnone "...what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?\i 17. \i0 And he said unto him, ... if thou wilt enter into [\ul the\ulnone ] \b life\b0 , keep the commandments." \cf2\ul Mar_10:21\cf0\ulnone "Then Jesus ... said unto him, \b One thing \b0 thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me." The one thing that he lacked was faith. He was obedient to the LVAL"moral law but would not live by faith. He did not have a high esteem for \b\i the life\b0\i0 . If you do not have regard for the life of honor in the kingdom of the heaven you will not pay the price to enter into that life. Salvation will allow you to see the kingdom of God. \cf2\ul Joh_3:3\cf0\ulnone "...Except a man be born again, he cannot \b see\b0 \b the\b0 \b kingdom\b0 \b of\b0 \b God\b0 ." The first reference in the New Testament is in \cf2\ul Mat_7:14\cf0\ulnone "Because \b strait\b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 stenov\f2\fs24 , narrow\ulnone ] \i is \i0 the gate, and \b narrow\b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 qlibw\f2\fs24 , affliction, trouble, tribulation\ulnone ] \i is \i0 the way, which leadeth unto [\ul the\ulnone ] \b life\b0 , and few there be that find it." If you esteem this life you will find the narrow, restricted gate and stay on the way that is pressed in with stress, afflictions, trouble, tribulations. If you do not esteem the Son you will not esteem the life and therefore you will not enter into that life of honor and glory.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b ESTEEM ETERNAL LIFE\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul\b0 Joh_5:13\cf0\ulnone "These things have I written unto you that \b believe\b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 pisteu>w\f2\fs24 , present active participle\ulnone ] on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye \b have\b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 e]cw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative, esteemeth\ulnone ] \b eternal\b0 \b life\b0 , and that ye may \b believe\b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 pisteu>w\f2\fs24 , present active participle\ulnone ] on the name of the Son of God." I have found that \b\i believe\b0\i0 in the present tense carries the same meaning as that of \b\i faith\b0\i0 . John is writing to those who are faithful in believing that they might continue to esteem life for the age. That they might continue to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God that they may be overcomers.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b ESTEEMETH LIFE\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul\b0 Joh_20LVAL#:31\cf0\ulnone "But these are written, that \b ye\b0 \b might\b0 \b believe\b0 [\ul present active subjunctive\ulnone ] that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that \b believing\b0 [\ul present active participle\ulnone ] ye \b might\b0 \b have\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , [present active subjunctive] esteem\b\i , \b0\i0 regard\ulnone ) life through his name." This verse is often used to show that the book of John was written that men might be saved. John was written so that those who have been saved would be faithful in believing in the present tense. Believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God is part of seeing the Son in John 6:40. The present active participle \b\i believe\b0\i0 in conjunction with the present active subjunctive of esteem implies that continuing to believe is dependent upon the level of esteeming life for the coming age.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b ESTEEM GOD, THE FATHER AND THE SON\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul\b0 2Jo_1:9\cf0\ulnone "Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, \b hath\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative, esteem\b\i , \b0\i0 regard\ulnone ) not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he \b hath\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative, esteem\b\i , \b0\i0 regard\ulnone ) both the Father and the Son." One way that we can know that we esteem the Son is our attitude toward the doctrine of Christ.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b CONCLUSION\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\kerning0\b0 By translating \f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 as \b\i to esteem\b0\i0 or \b\i to regard\b0\i0 is to give the level of intensity we should have concerning the life that we can enjoy during the coming millennial age. Contrary to popular teaching, entering into this life is not guaranteed. Our inheritance is not guaranteed either.\cf2\ul 2Jo_1:8\cf0\ulnone "Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward." If we expeLVAL$ct to hear well done thou good and faithful servant, we are going to have to be profitable servants. To be profitable servants we will have to serve him in grace. \cf2\ul Heb_12:28\cf0\ulnone "Let us have \b grace\b0 , whereby we may serve God \b acceptably\b0 with reverence and godly fear:" Our inheritance is going to be based upon the level of the hope that we have for life of honor and glory in the coming age. \cf2\ul Tit_3:7-8\cf0\ulnone "That being justified by his grace, \b we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life\b0 .\i 8. This is \i0 a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou \b affirm constantly\b0 , that they which have believed in God \b might be careful\b0 [anxious] to maintain good works. These things are \b good\b0 and \b profitable\b0 unto men." We are to be anxious about maintaining good works and in \cf2\ul Rom_12:11\cf0\ulnone "Not \b slothful\b0 in business [\ul diligence\ulnone ]; \b fervent\b0 in \b spirit\b0 ; \b serving\b0 the Lord;" The writer of Hebrews desired \cf2\ul Heb_6:11-12\cf0\ulnone "...that every one of you do show the same \b diligence\b0 to the full assurance of \b hope\b0 unto the end:\i 12. \i0 That ye be \b not\b0 \b slothful\b0 , but \b followers\b0 of \b them\b0 who \b through\b0 \b faith\b0 and \b patience\b0 \b inherit\b0 the promises." The promises they inherited pertained to a heavenly country and \cf2\ul Heb_11:10\cf0\ulnone\b "\b0 city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker \i is \i0 God." The promise is conditional. If you believe that all believers will have an abundant entrance into the coming kingdom of our Lord then there is no need for the child of God to \cf2\ul 2Pe_1:10-11\cf0\ulnone "...\b give\b0 \b diligence\b0 to make your \b calling\b0 and \b election\b0 \b sure\b0 [\ul stedfast\ulnone ]: for if ye do these things, ye shall never \b fall\b0 [\ul stumble, as Israel\ulnone ]:\i 11. \i0 For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdomH LVALX of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." The things we are to do are found in \cf2\ul 2Pe_1:5-7\cf0\ulnone "And beside this, \b giving\b0 \b all\b0 \b diligence\b0 , \b add\b0 to your \b faith\b0 virtue; and to \b virtue\b0 knowledge\i 6. \i0 And to \b knowledge\b0 temperance; and to \b temperance\b0 patience; and to \b patience\b0 godliness;\i 7. \i0 And to \b godliness\b0 brotherly kindness; and to \b brotherly\b0 \b kindness\b0 \b charity\b0 ." What we esteem and regard does make a difference in our lifestyle. \par \cf2\ul Heb_10:35-36\cf0\ulnone "Cast not away therefore your \b confidence\b0 , which hath great recompense of reward.\i 36. \i0 For ye have need of \b patience\b0 , that, after ye have \b done the will of God\b0 , ye \b might\b0 \b receive\b0 \b the\b0 \b promise\b0 ." \par \pard\cf3\f3\fs23\par } LVAL`&{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Koine;}{\f1\fnil\fprq2\fcharset0 Koine;}{\f2\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 Georgia;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green128\blue0;\red0\green0\blue0;} {\stylesheet{ Normal;}{\s1 heading 1;}} {\*\generator Riched20;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\nowidctlpar\qc\lang1033\f0\fs48 ecw\f1\par \pard\nowidctlpar\cf1\f2\fs24 \cf0 (TO HAVE, TO HOLD, OR TO ESTEEM)\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qc\fs20\par \pard\nowidctlpar\sb60\qc By John W. White\par \pard\nowidctlpar\sb120\qj\fs24 The purpose of this tract is to look at a few passages of scripture where the use of the verb \f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 could mean \b\i to count, to regard,\b0\i0 or \b\i to\b0\i0 \b\i esteem\b0\i0 . The Strongs Concordance defines \f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 as 2192. \f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , a primary verb; \b\i to hold\b0\i0 . The following ways in which it is translated is when \f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 is used alone and not in combination: \b count, following\b0 , \b have\b0 , \b hold\b0 , and \b kept\b0 . In the Analytical Greek Lexicon under \f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 there is a reference made to \cf2\ul Mat_14:5\cf0\ulnone "And when he [\ul Herod\ulnone ] would have put him [\ul John the Baptist\ulnone ] to death, he feared the multitude, because they \b counted\b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , imperfect, active, indicative\ulnone ], him as a prophet." It caught my eye that the context of this verse would support the meaning of the word \f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 as \b\i to hold, esteem,\b0\i0 or\b\i regard\b0\i0 . I thought that it will be profitable to examine other passages with this meaning in mind.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b REGARDED JOHN AS A PROPHET\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\kerning0\b0 I have already made reference to the passage in Matthew 14:5 where the people \b\i counted\b0\i0 John the Bapist a prophet. In \cf2\ul Mat_21:26\cf0\ulnone "But if we shall sayLVAL', Of men; we fear the people; for all \b hold \b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative esteem\b\i , \b0\i0 regard\ulnone ) John as a prophet." the translation of \f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 is \b\i hold. \b0\i0 The present tense of the verb \b\i hold\b0\i0 reflects the continuing conviction that John the Baptist was a prophet of God. \par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b PAUL REGARDED A PARTNER\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul\b0 Phm_1:17\cf0\ulnone "If thou \b count \b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative esteem\b\i , \b0\i0 regard\ulnone ) me therefore a partner, receive him as myself." Paul knew that Philemon held him in high esteem as \b\i partners\b0\i0 in the ministry and therefore could appeal to him on behalf of his run away slave, Onesimus.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b THE MIND OF CHRIST\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul\b0 1Co_2:16\cf0\ulnone "For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we \b have\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative esteem\b , \b0 regard\ulnone ) the mind of Christ." If we have the mind of Christ then no one needs to instruct us, but if we \b esteem\b0 the mind of Christ then we can be taught the principals of the mind of Christ.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b WE SHOULD ESTEEM KNOWLEDGE\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul\b0 1Co_8:1\cf0\ulnone\b \b0 "Now as touching things offered unto idols, we know that we all \b have\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative esteem, regard\ulnone ) \b knowledge\b0 . Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth." Not everyone has knowledge but everyone can esteem or regard knowledge. There are dangers in having much knowledge and one of the dangers is being puffed up. Proverbs exhorts us to have a higher regard for knowledge than for fine gold. \cf2\ul Pro_8:10\cf0\ulnone "Receive ... \b knowledge \b0 rather than choice gold."\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b ESTEEM ELVAL(PAPHRODITUS\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul Phi_2:29\cf0\ulnone\b0 "Receive him therefore in the Lord with all gladness; and \b hold \b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative esteem\b\i , \b0\i0 regard\ulnone ) \b such in reputation\b0 :" \cf2\ul Phi_1:1\cf0\ulnone "All the saints in Christ Jesus which are at Philippi, with the bishops and deacons:" were to esteem Epaphroditus as they would Paul. Epaphroditus was a companion in labour, and fellow soldier of Paul.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b REGARDING DOCTRINE\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul\b0 Rev_2:14-15\cf0\ulnone "But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that \b hold\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative esteem\b\i , \b0\i0 regard\ulnone ) \b the doctrine of Balaam\b0 , who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication.\i 15. \i0 So hast thou also them that \b hold\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative esteem\b\i , \b0\i0 regard\ulnone ) \b the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes\b0 , which thing I hate."\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b ESTEEM HIS COMMANDMENTS\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul\b0 Joh_14:21\cf0\ulnone "He that \b hath\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , \b\i esteem, regard\b0\i0 , present active participle\ulnone ) \b my\b0 \b commandments\b0 , and keepeth (\ul\f1\fs26 threw\f2\fs24 , present active participle, guarding\ulnone ) them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him." To have His commandments could imply possession of a copy of the Word of God. It makes better sense \b\i to\b0\i0 \b\i esteem\b0\i0 or \b\i to\b0\i0 \b\i regard\b0\i0 His commandments. By esteeming His commandments the level of intensity of keeping or guarding them is increased. Esteeming His commandments will reflect in the level of love and obedieLVAL)nce to those commandments.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b HAVE ETERNAL LIFE\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul\b0 Joh_3:14-16\cf0\ulnone "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:\i 15. \i0 That whosoever \b believeth\b0 in him should not perish, but \b have\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw,\f2\fs24 present active subjunctive, esteem\b\i , \b0\i0 regard\ulnone ) \b eternal\b0 \b life\b0 . \i 16. \i0 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever \b believeth\b0 in him should not perish, but \b have\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active subjunctive, esteem\b\i , \b0\i0 regard\ulnone ) \b everlasting\b0 \b life\b0 ."\par These verses are not dealing with lost people and their salvation, but with saved people and the consequences for their loathing of the manna that God was providing for them in the wilderness. \cf2\ul Num_21:5-6\cf0\ulnone "And the people spake against God, ...Wherefore have ye brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? for \i there is \i0 no bread, neither \i is there any \i0 water; and \b our\b0 \b soul\b0 \b loatheth\b0 \b this\b0 \b light\b0 \b bread\b0 .\i 6. \i0 And the LORD sent fiery \b serpents\b0 among the people, and they bit the people; and \b much\b0 \b people\b0 \b of\b0 \b Israel\b0 \b died\b0 ." The judgement of God came in the way of vipers that struck them and caused many of the Children of Israel to perish. If they perished in the wilderness they missed the inheritance that was promised them in the land flowing with milk and honey. The land flowing with milk and honey is a type of the heavenly inheritance that is set before us in the Millennial Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. \b\i Agelasting\b0\i0 \b\i life\b0\i0 and the inheritance in the Millennial Kingdom are the same. (\ul Refer to the tract Eternal Life Check It Out\ulnone ) The word \b\i eternal\b0\i0 is not a good translation of the Greek word \f1\fs26 aijw>n\f2\fs24 whiLVAL*ch should be translated \b\i age\b0\i0 . \par \pard\nowidctlpar\sb60\qj If a child of God has no regard for the life that can be enjoyed in the coming kingdom of our Lord, he will not put forth the effort to enter into that kingdom by being obedient to His commandments and living by faith in this present age. It takes a worthy walk to enter into His Kingdom and Glory. \cf2\ul 1Th_2:12\cf0\ulnone "That ye would \b walk worthy \b0 (\ul appropriately, becoming, after a Godly sort\ulnone )\b \b0 of God, who hath called you unto his \b kingdom and glory\b0 ." If you do not esteem that honor highly you will not have what it takes to forsake all and follow Him.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b REGARD FOR AGELASTING LIFE\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul\b0 Joh_5:24\cf0\ulnone "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth [\ul present active participle\ulnone ] my word, and believeth [\ul present active participle\ulnone ] on him that sent me, \b hath\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative, \i esteem, regard\ulnone\i0 ) \b everlasting life\b0 , and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life." (\ul see the tract \cf2 Joh_5:24\cf0\i , Check It Out\ulnone\i0 ) If you highly esteem life for the age, you will continue in His word and will continue to believe what He says. If you continue to hear his word and continue to believe what he says, you will be faithful and obedient and you will not come into judgement. The \b\i death\b0\i0 referred to in this verse is the loss of the \b\i agelasting\b0\i0 \b\i life\b0\i0 that is associated with the coming Kingdom and glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. If we practice the first part of this verse because we esteem \b\i agelasting\b0\i0 \b\i life\b0\i0 , we will not experience the loss of that life in the coming millennial age. Esteeming life for the age will encourage us to endure sound doctrine by continuing to hear the word and to continue to believe what we hear.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qcLVAL+\kerning28\b SEEING THE SON AND BELIEVING\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul\b0 Joh_6:40\cf0\ulnone "And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which \b seeth\b0 [to behold or to consider] the Son, and \b believeth\b0 [\ul present active participle\ulnone ] on \b him\b0 (the Son), \b may\b0 \b have\b0 (\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active subjunctive, \b\i esteem, regard\b0\i0 ) \b everlasting \b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 aiwn\f2\fs24 agelasting\ulnone ] \b life\b0 : and I will raise him up at the last day." The words \b\i seeth\b0\i0 and \b\i believeth\b0\i0 are present active participle which imply faithfulness in both \b\i considering\b0\i0 and \b\i believing\b0\i0 the Son. This should be the lifestyle of those who have been saved. The apostles were able to observe the Lord in their daily walk with him because they were following Him, but we must see and consider the Son by reading and musing on the Word of God. \par \pard\nowidctlpar\sb60\qj If we are following the Lord we are becoming like Him. We consider and reflect on the mind of Christ found in \cf2\ul Heb_5:8\cf0\ulnone "Though he were a \b Son\b0 , yet \b learned \b0 he \b obedience \b0 by the things which he suffered;" that we might learn obedience by the things we suffer. If we are seeing the Son we would be seeing the mind of Christ as presented in \cf2\ul Phi_2:5-9\cf0\ulnone "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:"\i "7. \i0 But made himself of \b no\b0 \b reputation\b0 , and took upon him the form of \b a servant\b0 , and was made in the likeness of men:\i 8. \i0 And being found in fashion as a man, he \b humbled\b0 \b himself\b0 , and \b became\b0 \b obedient\b0 unto death, even the death of the cross.\i 9. \i0 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:"\par We would see that Jesus Christ as an overcomer who was then granted to sit in the throne of His Father. Seeing the blessings of His Son we should be encouraged to be overcomers anLVAL,d sit with Him in his throne. \cf2\ul Rev_3:21\cf0\ulnone "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as \b I also overcame\b0 , and am set down with my Father in his throne." We would consider what is meant by \cf2\ul Rev_21:7\cf0\ulnone "He\b \b0 that\b overcometh\b0 shall \b inherit\b0 \b all\b0 \b things\b0 ; and I will be his God, and he \b shall be my son\b0 ." \par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b REGARD AGELASTING LIFE\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul\b0 Joh_6:47\cf0\ulnone "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that \b believeth\b0 [\ul present active participle\ulnone ] on me \b hath\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative, esteem\b\i , \b0\i0 regard\ulnone ) \b everlasting\b0 \b life\b0 ." Those that believe that they have life for the coming age is given to them when they are saved will unlikely continue to be faithful. \cf2\ul Luk_8:13\cf0\ulnone "They on the rock \i are they, \i0 which, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and \b these have no root\b0 , which for a \b while believe\b0 [\ul present active indicative\ulnone ]\b , \b0 and \b in time of temptation fall away\b0 ."\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b ESTEEM AGELASTING LIFE\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul\b0 1Jo_3:15\cf0\ulnone "Whosoever \b hateth\b0 his \b brother\b0 is a \b murderer\b0 : and ye know that \b no\b0 \b murderer\b0 \b hath\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative, esteem\b\i , \b0\i0 regard\ulnone ) \b eternal\b0 \b life\b0 abiding in him." This verse may imply that if you murder anyone you can't be saved. This verse and verse 14 is dealing with treatment of brothers and sisters in the Lord, and not siblings in a family. The murdering of a brother in the Lord takes place in the heart. This is murder after salvation. What are the consequences of murder after one comes in to a deeper knowledge of the truth? A partial list of the works of the flesh is found in \cf2\ul Gal_5:21\cf0\ulnone "EnvyLVAL-ings, \b murders, \b0 drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told \i you \i0 in time past, that \b they which do such things\b0 shall \b\scaps not\b0\scaps0 \b inherit\b0 the \b kingdom of\b0 \b God\b0 ." Keep in mind that inherit is a family matter and not a salvation matter. What is basically being taught in this verse is that if you hate a brother in the Lord for any period of time, you have no regard for the life in the coming millennial kingdom abiding in your heart and thoughts where the hate abides. \cf2\ul 1Jo_3:14\cf0\ulnone "We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not \i his \i0 brother abideth in death." The word \b\i death\b0\i0 is the Greek words \f1\fs26 o qanatov\f2\fs24 and is reference to the loss of the life of honor and glory in the coming kingdom of our Lord. The spiritual condition of those who are lost is found in \cf2\ul Eph_2:1\cf0\ulnone "And you ...who were \b dead\b0 in trespasses and sins:" where the word dead is the Greek word \f1\fs26 nekrov\f2\fs24 . Both\f1\fs26 qanatov\f2\fs24 and \f1\fs26 nekrov\f2\fs24 are used when referring to physical death as well. If you hate your brother you do not realize what you are going to miss by this behavior. You will miss the privilege of sharing in the glory of the coming kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. If you will esteem life for the age, you will adjust your attitude and feelings toward a brother or sister in Christ.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b DENIETH THE SON\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul\b0 1Jo_2:23\cf0\ulnone "Whosoever \b denieth\b0 [\ul present middle participle\ulnone ] the \b Son\b0 , the same hath [\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative, esteemeth\ulnone ] not the Father: \i (but)\i0 he that acknowledgeth [present active participle, confesseth] \i \i0 the \b Son\b0 \b hath\b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative, esteemeth\ulnone ] the \b\b0 also."\i \i0 Both the Father and the Son are esteemed or regarded when the Son is confessed as well as the Father.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b HE THAT ESTEEMETH THE SON\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul\b0 1Jo_5:12\cf0\ulnone\b \b0 "He that \b hath\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active participle\ulnone ) \b the\b0 \b Son\b0 \b hath\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 e]cw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative\ulnone ) [\ul the\ulnone ] \b life\b0 ; \i and \i0 he that \b hath\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active participle\ulnone ) \b not \b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 ou\f2\fs24 , emphatic\ulnone ]\b the Son\b0 of God \b hath\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 e]cw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative\ulnone ) \b not\b0 [\ul the\ulnone ] \b life\b0 ." The phrases \f1\fs26 ecwn ton uion \f2\fs24 (\ul hath the Son\ulnone ) and \f1\fs26 ecei thn zwhv\f2\fs24 (\ul hath the life\ulnone ) only occur here in the New Testament. \par \pard\nowidctlpar\sb60\qj Too many Bible teachers teach this verse is dealing with salvation. The concept of salvation is not having the Son to be saved, but to \b\i believe\b0\i0 on Jesus Christ to be saved. The aorist tense of the verb \b\i believe\b0\i0 indicating that salvation is an event as shown in \cf2\ul Act_16:31\cf0\ulnone "...\b Believe\b0 on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved..." The word \b\i hath\b0\i0 in \cf2\ul 1Jo_5:12\cf0\ulnone may sound past tense, but on the contrary it is a present active participle indicating continuous action, which implies faithfulness on the part of the one \b\i that hath\b0\i0 \b\i the\b0\i0 \b\i Son\b0\i0 . He is not our possession but we are his possession "19. are not your own? 20 For ye are \b bought with \b0 a price." \cf2\ul 1Co_6:19-20\cf0\ulnone .\par The word \b\i hath\b0\i0 occurs four times in this verse. Each time the grammar of this word is in the present tense, whether a participle or a verb. It seems to me it would make better sense to translate the word \b\i hath\b0\i0 as \b\i esteeLVAL/meth\b0\i0 or \b\i regardeth\b0\i0 . To esteem or regard the Son is to esteem or regard what Jesus Christ, the Son of God esteemed or regarded. Jesus told his disciples in \cf2\ul Joh_4:34\cf0\ulnone "... \b My meat \b0 is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work." \par The ultimate purpose of Jesus Christ was to please the Father. \cf2\ul Heb_12:2\cf0\ulnone "Looking unto Jesus ...; who \b for the joy\b0 that was set before him \b endured the cross\b0 , despising \b the shame, \b0 and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." \cf2\ul Rev_3:21\cf0\ulnone "To him that \b overcometh\b0 will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also \b overcame\b0 , and am \b set down \b0 with my Father in his throne." \cf2\ul Heb_5:8\cf0\ulnone "Though he were a \b Son\b0 , yet \b learned he obedience\b0 by the things which he suffered;" The things which he suffered was not only the cross of crucifixion but the daily cross that all of us must bear if we are going to please Him.\par In the context of 1 John 5.12 is \cf2\ul 1Jo_5:4-5\cf0\ulnone "For whatsoever is born of God \b overcometh \b0 [present active indicative] the world: and this is the victory that \b overcometh \b0 the world, \i even \i0 our faith.\i 5. \i0 Who is he that \b overcometh \b0 [present active participle] the world, but he that \b believeth\b0 [\ul present active participle\ulnone ] \b that Jesus is the Son of God\b0 ?" Only the saved can be victorious over the World and that victory is based upon whether we please God or not. \cf2\ul Heb_11:6\cf0\ulnone "But without \b faith\b0 \i it is \b\i0 impossible\b0 to \b please\b0 \i him...\i0 " The only way that you can be an overcomer is to believe that Jesus is the Son of God. \par What are the privileges of the overcomer? They are found in the second and third chapters of the book of Revelation. Just being saved does not make you an overcomer. Many who have been faithful to the Lord have made shipwreck of the faith. Paul warns Timothy in \cfLVAL02\ul 1Ti_1:19\cf0\ulnone "Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made \b shipwreck:"\b0 and in\b \cf2\ul\b0 1Ti_4:1\cf0\ulnone "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall \b depart \b0 from the \b faith\b0 , ..." \par If we esteem what the Son of God esteemed we are going to esteem the life that those who are overcomers will enjoy in the millennial. \cf2\ul Rev_21:7\cf0\ulnone "He that \b overcometh\b0 shall \b inherit all things; \b0 and \b I will be his God\b0 , and \b he shall be my son\b0 ." \cf2\ul Rev_2:11\cf0\ulnone "... He that \b overcometh\b0 shall not be \b hurt \b0 of the \b second \b0 death." \cf2\ul Rev_20:6\cf0\ulnone "Blessed and holy \i is \b\i0 he\b0 [\ul the overcomer\ulnone ] that hath part in the \b first\b0 [best] resurrection: on such the \b second death \b0 hath no power [\ul not hurt\ulnone ], ... and shall \b reign\b0 with him a \b thousand\b0 \b years\b0 ." Jesus Christ was the only begotten Son of God. We are qualifying to become sons of God. We do that by being overcomers. We are not sons of God now but we can behave ourselves as a son by our faithfulness to Him. \par The phrase \b\i hath life\b0\i0 could be translated \b\i esteemeth the life\b0\i0 . The word \b\i life\b0\i0 has the definite article before it and it is defined in \cf2\ul 1Jo_5:11\cf0\ulnone "And this is the record, that God hath given to us \b eternal\b0 \b life\b0 , and this [the] life is in his Son." \cf2\ul Mat_19:16-17\cf0\ulnone "...what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?\i 17. \i0 And he said unto him, ... if thou wilt enter into [\ul the\ulnone ] \b life\b0 , keep the commandments." \cf2\ul Mar_10:21\cf0\ulnone "Then Jesus ... said unto him, \b One thing \b0 thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me." The one thing that he lacked was faith. He was obedient to the LVAL1moral law but would not live by faith. He did not have a high esteem for \b\i the life\b0\i0 . If you do not have regard for the life of honor in the kingdom of the heaven you will not pay the price to enter into that life. Salvation will allow you to see the kingdom of God. \cf2\ul Joh_3:3\cf0\ulnone "...Except a man be born again, he cannot \b see\b0 \b the\b0 \b kingdom\b0 \b of\b0 \b God\b0 ." The first reference in the New Testament is in \cf2\ul Mat_7:14\cf0\ulnone "Because \b strait\b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 stenov\f2\fs24 , narrow\ulnone ] \i is \i0 the gate, and \b narrow\b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 qlibw\f2\fs24 , affliction, trouble, tribulation\ulnone ] \i is \i0 the way, which leadeth unto [\ul the\ulnone ] \b life\b0 , and few there be that find it." If you esteem this life you will find the narrow, restricted gate and stay on the way that is pressed in with stress, afflictions, trouble, tribulations. If you do not esteem the Son you will not esteem the life and therefore you will not enter into that life of honor and glory.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b ESTEEM ETERNAL LIFE\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul\b0 Joh_5:13\cf0\ulnone "These things have I written unto you that \b believe\b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 pisteu>w\f2\fs24 , present active participle\ulnone ] on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye \b have\b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 e]cw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative, esteemeth\ulnone ] \b eternal\b0 \b life\b0 , and that ye may \b believe\b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 pisteu>w\f2\fs24 , present active participle\ulnone ] on the name of the Son of God." I have found that \b\i believe\b0\i0 in the present tense carries the same meaning as that of \b\i faith\b0\i0 . John is writing to those who are faithful in believing that they might continue to esteem life for the age. That they might continue to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God that they may be overcomers.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b ESTEEMETH LIFE\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul\b0 Joh_20LVAL2:31\cf0\ulnone "But these are written, that \b ye\b0 \b might\b0 \b believe\b0 [\ul present active subjunctive\ulnone ] that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that \b believing\b0 [\ul present active participle\ulnone ] ye \b might\b0 \b have\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , [present active subjunctive] esteem\b\i , \b0\i0 regard\ulnone ) life through his name." This verse is often used to show that the book of John was written that men might be saved. John was written so that those who have been saved would be faithful in believing in the present tense. Believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God is part of seeing the Son in John 6:40. The present active participle \b\i believe\b0\i0 in conjunction with the present active subjunctive of esteem implies that continuing to believe is dependent upon the level of esteeming life for the coming age.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b ESTEEM GOD, THE FATHER AND THE SON\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\cf2\kerning0\ul\b0 2Jo_1:9\cf0\ulnone "Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, \b hath\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative, esteem\b\i , \b0\i0 regard\ulnone ) not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he \b hath\b0 (\ul\f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 , present active indicative, esteem\b\i , \b0\i0 regard\ulnone ) both the Father and the Son." One way that we can know that we esteem the Son is our attitude toward the doctrine of Christ.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b CONCLUSION\par \pard\nowidctlpar\qj\kerning0\b0 By translating \f1\fs26 ecw\f2\fs24 as \b\i to esteem\b0\i0 or \b\i to regard\b0\i0 is to give the level of intensity we should have concerning the life that we can enjoy during the coming millennial age. Contrary to popular teaching, entering into this life is not guaranteed. Our inheritance is not guaranteed either.\cf2\ul 2Jo_1:8\cf0\ulnone "Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward." If we expeLVAL3ct to hear well done thou good and faithful servant, we are going to have to be profitable servants. To be profitable servants we will have to serve him in grace. \cf2\ul Heb_12:28\cf0\ulnone "Let us have \b grace\b0 , whereby we may serve God \b acceptably\b0 with reverence and godly fear:" Our inheritance is going to be based upon the level of the hope that we have for life of honor and glory in the coming age. \cf2\ul Tit_3:7-8\cf0\ulnone "That being justified by his grace, \b we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life\b0 .\i 8. This is \i0 a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou \b affirm constantly\b0 , that they which have believed in God \b might be careful\b0 [anxious] to maintain good works. These things are \b good\b0 and \b profitable\b0 unto men." We are to be anxious about maintaining good works and in \cf2\ul Rom_12:11\cf0\ulnone "Not \b slothful\b0 in business [\ul diligence\ulnone ]; \b fervent\b0 in \b spirit\b0 ; \b serving\b0 the Lord;" The writer of Hebrews desired \cf2\ul Heb_6:11-12\cf0\ulnone "...that every one of you do show the same \b diligence\b0 to the full assurance of \b hope\b0 unto the end:\i 12. \i0 That ye be \b not\b0 \b slothful\b0 , but \b followers\b0 of \b them\b0 who \b through\b0 \b faith\b0 and \b patience\b0 \b inherit\b0 the promises." The promises they inherited pertained to a heavenly country and \cf2\ul Heb_11:10\cf0\ulnone\b "\b0 city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker \i is \i0 God." The promise is conditional. If you believe that all believers will have an abundant entrance into the coming kingdom of our Lord then there is no need for the child of God to \cf2\ul 2Pe_1:10-11\cf0\ulnone "...\b give\b0 \b diligence\b0 to make your \b calling\b0 and \b election\b0 \b sure\b0 [\ul stedfast\ulnone ]: for if ye do these things, ye shall never \b fall\b0 [\ul stumble, as Israel\ulnone ]:\i 11. \i0 For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdomH LVALX of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." The things we are to do are found in \cf2\ul 2Pe_1:5-7\cf0\ulnone "And beside this, \b giving\b0 \b all\b0 \b diligence\b0 , \b add\b0 to your \b faith\b0 virtue; and to \b virtue\b0 knowledge\i 6. \i0 And to \b knowledge\b0 temperance; and to \b temperance\b0 patience; and to \b patience\b0 godliness;\i 7. \i0 And to \b godliness\b0 brotherly kindness; and to \b brotherly\b0 \b kindness\b0 \b charity\b0 ." What we esteem and regard does make a difference in our lifestyle. \par \cf2\ul Heb_10:35-36\cf0\ulnone "Cast not away therefore your \b confidence\b0 , which hath great recompense of reward.\i 36. \i0 For ye have need of \b patience\b0 , that, after ye have \b done the will of God\b0 , ye \b might\b0 \b receive\b0 \b the\b0 \b promise\b0 ." \par \pard\cf3\f3\fs23\par }