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XLVALnMR28AllowZeroLengthRequired( Title  .Comments MR28AllowZeroLengthRequired( Title  .Comments  Unpardonable Sin|.=2&LVAL{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fnil\fprq2\fcharset0 Koine-Medium;}{\f2\fnil\fprq2\fcharset0 Koine;}{\f3\froman\fprq2\fcharset2 Symbol;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue255;} {\stylesheet{ Normal;}{\s1 heading 1;}} {\*\generator Riched20;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\lang1033\b\f0\fs32 UNPARDONABLE SIN\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\cf1\b0\fs24 Menu \cf0 Check It Out\par \pard\sb60\qc\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\b\fs20 By John W. White\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\fs24 WILLFUL SIN\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\kerning0 Hebrews 10:26-28\b0 "For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,\i 27. \i0 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.\i 28. \i0 He that\b despised Moses' law\b0 died without mercy under two or three witnesses:"\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b PRESUMPTUOUS SIN\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\kerning0 Numbers 15:30-31\b0 "But the soul that \b doeth \i ought \i0 presumptuously\b0 , \i whether he be \i0 born in the land, or a stranger, the same reproacheth the LORD; and that soul shall be \b cut off\b0 from among his people.\i 31. \i0 Because he hath \b despised the word of the LORD\b0 , and hath broken his commandment, that soul shall \b utterly be cut off\b0 ; his iniquity \i shall be \i0 upon him."\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b BLASPHEMY AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\kerning0 Mark 3:29\b0 "But he that shall \b blaspheme\b0 against the Holy Ghost hath\b never\b0 [\ul\f1 ouj\ulnone\f0 emphatic not] forgiveness, but is in danger [\f2\fs26 e]nocov\f0\fs24 , liable, subject to] of \b eternal\b0 [\f2\fs26 aijw>n\f0\fs24 , agelasting] \b damnation \b0 [\f2\fs26 kri>siv\f0\fs24 , LVALjudgment in Received Text and Griesbach MMS, or \f2\fs26 aJmarth>ma\fs24 , \f0 sin, in Lachmann, Tischendorf MMS. preferred by the Nestles Text]:"\par \pard\sb60\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\b Luke 12:10\b0 "And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall \b not\b0 [\f2\fs26 ouj\f0\fs24 , emphatic not] be forgiven." \par \b Matthew 12:32 \b0 "And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever \b speaketh against\b0 the Holy Ghost, it shall \b not\b0 [\f2\fs26 ouj\f0\fs24 , emphatic not] be forgiven him, neither\b in this world \b0 [\f2\fs26 aijw>n\f0\fs24 , age, dative case], \b neither in the\b0 \i world \b\i0 to come \b0 [in \i the age\i0 the one coming, present active dative case participle]."\par \b "BLASPHEME":\b0 This word is a transliteration of the Greek word \f2\fs26 blasfhme>w\f0\fs24 . Blaspheme means to rail, reproach, or revile. The phrase "Speaketh against" in \b Matthew 12:32\b0 is used as the same expression as "Blaspheme" in \b Mark 3:29\b0 and \b Luke 12:10\b0 .\par \b "NOT, NEVER": \b0 This is the Greek word \f2\fs26 ouj\f0\fs24 and is the emphatic \scaps not\scaps0 rather than the\f2\fs26 mh>\f0\fs24 which is the not used when one wants to change their mind.\par \b "WORLD, ETERNAL":\b0 These words are translated from the Greek words o \f2\fs26 aijw>n\f0\fs24 which is singular in number and should be translated \b the age\b0 . This is not eternity, but a single age; which in this context is the church age. Eternity is expressed in \b Galatians 1:5\b0 "To whom \i be \i0 glory for \b ever and ever\b0 . Amen." The word "Ever" in Galatians 1:5 is translated from the same Greek word as "World" and "Eternal" but is\b plural\b0 in number. The literal translation of "Ever and ever" is "\b Unto the ages from the ages\b0 ." Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven for two ages, the church age and the millenLVALnial age. The lost are those who will not be forgiven unto the ages from the ages.\par \b "TO COME": \b0 This word is a present active singular participle. This phrase is referring to the age that is coming after the church age. The age that is coming is the \b seventh day\b0 or the \b millennial age\b0 . \par \b "ETERNAL DAMNATION":\b0 This is an interesting phrase. The word \b eternal\b0 \ul [\f1 aijw>n\ulnone\f0 ]is an \b adjective\b0 describing the "Damnation" and the phrase could be translated "\b Agelasting\b0 \b damnation\b0 ." The word "Damnation" comes from the word "\f2\fs26 kri>vis\f0\fs24 " which is the word for "\b Judgment\b0 " in the Received Text and Griesbach Text. The word used in the Lachmann Text, and the Tischendorf Text is \f2\fs26 aJmarth>ma\f0\fs24 ,\b \b0 which is the word for "Sin" and is the preferred word in the Nestles Text. The phrase "Agelasting judgment" would become "Agelasting sin."\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b THE MINISTRY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\kerning0 John 14:26\b0 "But the \b Comforter\b0 [\f2\fs26 para>klhsiv\f0\fs24 ] \i which is \i0 the \b Holy Ghost\b0 , whom the Father will send in my name, he shall \b teach you all things\b0 , and \b bring all things to your remembrance\b0 , whatsoever I have said unto you."\par \pard\sb60\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\b OUR COMFORTER: \b0 The word "\b Comforter\b0 " is a compound word made up by the word "\f2\fs26 para>\f0\fs24 " which means "beside;" and "\f2\fs26 kale>w\f0\fs24 " which means "to call." The verb form of \f2\fs26 para>klhsiv\f0\fs24 is translated "to Exhort." The Holy Spirit is one who is along side calling and exhorting us according to the will of God. \par \pard OUR TEACHER:\b \b0 The teaching method of the Holy Spirit is found in \b Isaiah 28:9-10\b0 "Whom shall \b he teach\b0 knowledge? and whom \b shall he make to understand doctrine\b0 ? them that are \b weaned\b0 from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. 10. For preceLVALpt must be upon precept, \b precept upon precept\b0 ; line upon line, \b line upon line\b0 ; here a little, and there \b a little\b0 :"\par OUR REPROVER:\b John 16:8\b0 "And when he is come, \b he will reprove\b0 the world of \b sin\b0 , and of \b righteousness\b0 , and of\b judgment\b0 :"\par OUR GUIDE:\b John 16:13\b0 "Howbeit when he, \b the Spirit of truth\b0 , is come, \b he will guide you into all truth\b0 : for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever \b he shall hear\b0 , that \b shall he speak\b0 : and he will show you \b things to come\b0 ."\par \b "ALL TRUTH":\b0 This seems to a reference to the \b milk\b0 of the word. He feed the babes in Christ as well as the mature. \b Hebrews 5:13-14\b0 "For every one that useth \b milk \b0 ..:\b for he is a babe\b0 . 14. But \b strong meat\b0 belongeth to them that are of \b full age\b0 ,..." \par \b "HE WILL SHOW YOU": \b0 The expression "Things to come" is a reference to the \b blessing \b0 of the\b birthright \b0 and our\b inheritance.\b0 Hebrews 9:11 \b "\b0 But Christ being come an high priest of\b good things to come, ..." \b0 Jesus Christ is the testator or his own will, verse 16. \b Hebrews\b0 \b 11:20\b0 "By faith Isaac \b blessed \b0 Jacob and Esau concerning \b things to come\b0 ."\par \b HE WILL GLORIFY THE LORD: John 16:14\b0 \b "He shall glorify me:\b0 \b for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you.\b0 " (things to come).\par \b OUR INTERCESSOR: Romans 8:26\b0 "Likewise the Spirit also \b helpeth our infirmities\b0 : for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the \b Spirit itself maketh intercession for us\b0 with groanings which cannot be uttered." \par \pard\sb60\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\b INSPIRATION: 2 Peter 1:21\b0 "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but \b holy men of God spake\b0 \i as they were \b\i0 moved by the Holy Ghost\b0 ."\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b BLASPHEMY AGAINST MOSES\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx43LVAL20\tx5760\kerning0 Numbers 12:1-2\b0 "And \b Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses\b0 ..." Miriam's name is first which implies that Miriam was the one who led Aaron astray. Miriam is in type a false teacher as in \b Revelation 2:20\b0 "... thou sufferest that \b woman\b0 Jezebel, which calleth herself \b a prophetess\b0 , \b to teach\b0 and\b to seduce\b0 \b\scaps my\b0\scaps0 \b servants\b0 ..." \b Numbers 12:2\b0 "And \b they said\b0 , Hath the LORD indeed \b spoken \b0 only by \b Moses? \b0 hath he not \b spoken \b0 also by us? And \b the LORD heard \i it\b0 ."\i0 \b Numbers 12:9-10\b0 "And the \b anger of the LORD\b0 was kindled \b against them\b0 ; ...\i 10....\i0 and, behold, Miriam \i became \b\i0 leprous\b0 ,..." As long as a person was leprous, they were unclean and could not come into the camp. \b Numbers 12:6-8\b0 "And he said, \b Hear now my words\b0 : If there be \b a prophet\b0 among you, \i I \i0 the LORD will make myself known unto him in a \b vision\b0 , \i and \i0 will speak unto him in a \b dream\b0 .\i 7. \b\i0 My servant Moses \i is \i0 not so\b0 , ...\i 8. \i0 With him will I speak \b mouth to mouth\b0 , even \b apparently\b0 , and \b not in dark speeches\b0 ; and the \b similitude of the LORD shall he behold\b0 : wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?" What the Holy Spirit hears from God He speaks. The Holy Spirit does not get what He hears from God by dreams and visions, but mouth to mouth. To speak against the Holy Spirit is as the sin of leprosy.\b Numbers 12:11\b0 "And Aaron said unto Moses, .... I beseech thee, lay not the \b sin\b0 upon us, wherein we have \b done foolishly\b0 , and wherein \b we have sinned\b0 ." Aaron prayed in verse \b 12\b0 "Let her not be \b as one dead\b0 ." and then in \b Numbers 12:13\b0 "And Moses cried unto the LORD, saying, \b Heal her now\b0 , O God, I beseech thee."\par \pard\sb60\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\b Numbers 12:14-15\b0 "And the LORD said unto Moses, ...should she noLVALt \b be ashamed seven days\b0 ? let her be \b shut out from the camp seven days\b0 , and \b after that\b0 let her be received in \i again. 15. \i0 And \b Miriam was shut out from the camp seven days\b0 : \i ...\i0 " Miriam was \b healed of \b0 leprosy but was unclean and shut out of the camp for seven days. This is in type what will happen to those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit. They will not have an entrance into the coming kingdom of our Lord. They will not be kings and priests, but shut out until there is a new heaven and a new earth after the seventh day, the millennium. \b Deuteronomy\b0 \b 24:9\b0 "\b Remember\b0 what the LORD thy God \b did unto Miriam\b0 ..." \b Luke 17:32\b0 \b "Remember Lot's wife."\b0 This is a warning to those who are saved and part of the family of God. Miriam and Lot's wife were both saved and suffered loss under the judgment of God. \par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b PHARISEES' BLASPHEMY\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\kerning0\b0 One way the church blasphemes the Holy Spirit is to make the Word of God ineffective by traditions which take priority over the Word of God.\b Matthew 15:1-3\b0 "Then came to Jesus \b scribes\b0 and \b Pharisees\b0 , which were of Jerusalem, saying,\i 2. \i0 Why do thy disciples \b transgress the tradition\b0 of the elders? ...\i 3. \i0 ...and said unto them, Why do ye also \b transgress\b0 the \b commandment\b0 of God by your tradition?" \b Matthew 15:6\b0 "... Thus have ye made \b the commandment\b0 of God \b of none effect\b0 by your \b tradition.\b0 " Those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit say in essence, that the Holy Spirit does not have the last word as to our faith and practice. I believe these can be and are saved. They are very bold as in \b Romans 1:25\b0 "Who \b changed the truth\b0 of God \b into a lie\b0 , ...." When this begins to happen, then God will not let them return again to the truth and then they will begin to believe the lie as the truth. \b Romans 1:28\b0 "And even as they LVALdid not like to \b retain \b0 [\f2 e]cw \f0 present active infinitive, having] God in \i their \b\i0 knowledge \b0 [\f2 ejpi>gnwsiv\f3 , \f0 high knowledge that only the saved can have], \b God gave them over \b0 to a \b reprobate mind\b0 , to do those things which are not convenient [fitting];" \par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b FALSE TEACHERS, FABLES, TRADITIONS\par \pard\kerning0 FALSE TEACHERS: 2 Peter 2:1\b0 "But there were\b false prophets\b0 also \b among the people\b0 , even as there shall be \b false teachers\b0 \b among you\b0 , who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even \b denying the Lord that bought them\b0 , and bring upon themselves \b swift destruction\b0 ." Paul said this would happen in the church in Ephesus in \b Acts 20:29-30 \b0 "For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, \b not sparing the flock\b0 .\i 30. \i0 Also \b of your own selves\b0 shall men arise, \b speaking perverse things\b0 , to draw away disciples after them." \par \b FABLES: 1 Timothy 1:4, 6-7\b0 "Neither give heed to \b fables\b0 ... \b some\b0 having \b swerved\b0 have \b turned aside\b0 unto \b vain jangling\b0 ;\i 7. \i0 Desiring to be \b teachers \b0 of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm." There will come a time when those in the churches will not endure sound doctrine. \b 2 Timothy 4:3-4\b0 "For the time will come when they will \b not endure sound doctrine\b0 ; but after \b their own lusts\b0 shall they heap to themselves \b teachers, \b0 having itching ears;\i 4. \i0 And they shall turn away \i their \i0 ears from the truth, and\b shall be turned unto fables\b0 ."\par \b TRADITION: Colossians 2:8\b0 "Beware lest any man spoil you through \b philosophy\b0 and\b vain decei\b0 t, after the \b tradition of men\b0 , ..." \b Colossians 2:18-22\b0 "\b Let no man beguile you of your reward\b0 ..., \b intruding into those things which he hath not seen\b0 ,..."\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\LVALkerning28\b CONCLUSION\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\kerning0\b0 Those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit and change the truth of God into a lie will not be forgiven in this church age nor in the coming millennial age. \b James 3:1\b0 "My brethren, be not many \b masters\b0 [teachers], knowing that we shall receive the \b greater condemnation\b0 ." There are many teachers\b 2 Peter 3:16\b0 "... that are unlearned and unstable \b wrest\b0 [twist], as they do also the other \b scriptures\b0 , unto \b their own destruction\b0 ." \b Proverbs 13:13 \b0 "Whoso \b despiseth the word \b0 shall be \b destroyed\b0 : but he that \b fearth the commandment\b0 shall be \b rewarded\b0 ." \par \pard\sb60\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\b BEWARE: 2 Peter 3:17\b0 "Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know \i these things \i0 before, \b beware\b0 lest ye also, \b being led away with the error of the wicked\b0 , fall from your own stedfastness." May we be as those in \b Acts 4:31\b0 "And when they had prayed, ... they were all filled with the \b Holy Ghost, \b0 and \b they spake the word of God\b0 with \b boldness\b0 ."\b\par } LVALvn{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fnil\fprq2\fcharset0 Koine;}{\f2\fnil\fcharset0 Koine;}{\f3\froman\fprq2\fcharset2 Symbol;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green128\blue0;} {\stylesheet{ Normal;}{\s1 heading 1;}} {\*\generator Riched20;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\lang1033\b\f0\fs32 UNPARDONABLE SIN\b0\fs24\par \pard\sb60\qc\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\b\fs20 By John W. White\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\fs24 WILLFUL SIN\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\cf1\kerning0\ul Heb_10:26-28\cf0\ulnone\b0 "For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,\i 27. \i0 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.\i 28. \i0 He that\b despised Moses' law\b0 died without mercy under two or three witnesses:"\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b PRESUMPTUOUS SIN\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\cf1\kerning0\ul Num_15:30-31\cf0\ulnone\b0 "But the soul that \b doeth \i ought \i0 presumptuously\b0 , \i whether he be \i0 born in the land, or a stranger, the same reproacheth the LORD; and that soul shall be \b cut off\b0 from among his people.\i 31. \i0 Because he hath \b despised the word of the LORD\b0 , and hath broken his commandment, that soul shall \b utterly be cut off\b0 ; his iniquity \i shall be \i0 upon him."\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b BLASPHEMY AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\cf1\kerning0\ul Mar_3:29\cf0\ulnone\b0 "But he that shall \b blaspheme\b0 against the Holy Ghost hath\b never\b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 ou\f0\fs24 , emphatic not\ulnone ] forgiveness, but is in danger [\ul\f1\fs26 enocov\f0\fs24 , liable, subject to\ulnone ] of \b eternal\b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 aiwn\f0\fs24 , agelasting\ulnone ] \b damnation \b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 krisiv\f0\fs24 , judgment in Received Text and Griesbach MMS, or \f1\fs26 amarthmaLVAL \fs24 , \f0 sin, in Lachmann, Tischendorf MMS. preferred by the Nestles Text\ulnone ]:"\par \pard\sb60\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\cf1\ul Luk_12:10\cf0\ulnone "And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall \b not\b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 ou\f0\fs24 , emphatic not\ulnone ] be forgiven." \par \cf1\ul\b Mat_12:32\cf0\ulnone \b0 "And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever \b speaketh against\b0 the Holy Ghost, it shall \b not\b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 ou\f0\fs24 , emphatic not\ulnone ] be forgiven him, neither\b in this world \b0 [\f1\fs26 aijw>n\f0\fs24 , age, dative case], \b neither in the\b0 \i world \b\i0 to come \b0 [\ul in \i the age\i0 the one coming, present active dative case participle\ulnone ]."\par \b "BLASPHEME":\b0 This word is a transliteration of the Greek word \f1\fs26 blasfhmew\f0\fs24 . Blaspheme means to rail, reproach, or revile. The phrase "Speaketh against" in \cf1\ul Mat_12:32\cf0\ulnone is used as the same expression as "Blaspheme" in \cf1\ul Mar_3:29\cf0\ulnone and \cf1\ul Luk_12:10\cf0\ulnone .\par \b "NOT, NEVER": \b0 This is the Greek word \f1\fs26 ou\f0\fs24 and is the emphatic \scaps not\scaps0 rather than the\f1\fs26 mh\f0\fs24 which is the not used when one wants to change their mind.\par \b "WORLD, ETERNAL":\b0 These words are translated from the Greek words o \f1\fs26 aiwn\f0\fs24 which is singular in number and should be translated \b the age\b0 . This is not eternity, but a single age; which in this context is the church age. Eternity is expressed in \cf1\ul Gal_1:5\cf0\ulnone "To whom \i be \i0 glory for \b ever and ever\b0 . Amen." The word "Ever" in Galatians 1:5 is translated from the same Greek word as "World" and "Eternal" but is\b plural\b0 in number. The literal translation of "Ever and ever" is "\b Unto the ages from the ages\b0 ." Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven for two aLVAL!ges, the church age and the millennial age. The lost are those who will not be forgiven unto the ages from the ages.\par \b "TO COME": \b0 This word is a present active singular participle. This phrase is referring to the age that is coming after the church age. The age that is coming is the \b seventh day\b0 or the \b millennial age\b0 . \par \b "ETERNAL DAMNATION":\b0 This is an interesting phrase. The word \b eternal\b0 \ul [\f2 aiwn\ulnone\f0 ]is an \b adjective\b0 describing the "Damnation" and the phrase could be translated "\b Agelasting\b0 \b damnation\b0 ." The word "Damnation" comes from the word "\f1\fs26 krisiv\f0\fs24 " which is the word for "\b Judgment\b0 " in the Received Text and Griesbach Text. The word used in the Lachmann Text, and the Tischendorf Text is \f1\fs26 amarthma\f0\fs24 ,\b \b0 which is the word for "Sin" and is the preferred word in the Nestles Text. The phrase "Agelasting judgment" would become "Agelasting sin."\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b THE MINISTRY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\cf1\kerning0\ul Joh_14:26\cf0\ulnone\b0 "But the \b Comforter\b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 paraklhsiv\ulnone\f0\fs24 ] \i which is \i0 the \b Holy Ghost\b0 , whom the Father will send in my name, he shall \b teach you all things\b0 , and \b bring all things to your remembrance\b0 , whatsoever I have said unto you."\par \pard\sb60\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\b OUR COMFORTER: \b0 The word "\b Comforter\b0 " is a compound word made up by the word "\f1\fs26 para\f0\fs24 " which means "beside;" and "\f1\fs26 kalew\f0\fs24 " which means "to call." The verb form of \f1\fs26 para>klhsiv\f0\fs24 is translated "to Exhort." The Holy Spirit is one who is along side calling and exhorting us according to the will of God. \par \pard\b OUR TEACHER\b0 :\b \b0 The teaching method of the Holy Spirit is found in\cf1\ul Isa_28:9-10\cf0\ulnone "Whom shall \b he teach\b0 knowledge? and whom \b shall he make to understand doctrine\b0 ? them that are \bLVAL" weaned\b0 from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. 10. For precept must be upon precept, \b precept upon precept\b0 ; line upon line, \b line upon line\b0 ; here a little, and there \b a little\b0 :"\par \b OUR REPROVER: \cf1\ul\b0 Joh_16:8\cf0\ulnone "And when he is come, \b he will reprove\b0 the world of \b sin\b0 , and of \b righteousness\b0 , and of\b judgment\b0 :"\par \b OUR GUIDE: \cf1\ul\b0 Joh_16:13\cf0\ulnone "Howbeit when he, \b the Spirit of truth\b0 , is come, \b he will guide you into all truth\b0 : for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever \b he shall hear\b0 , that \b shall he speak\b0 : and he will show you \b things to come\b0 ."\par \b "ALL TRUTH":\b0 This seems to a reference to the \b milk\b0 of the word. He feed the babes in Christ as well as the mature. \cf1\ul Heb_5:13-14\cf0\ulnone "For every one that useth \b milk \b0 ..:\b for he is a babe\b0 . 14. But \b strong meat\b0 belongeth to them that are of \b full age\b0 ,..." \par \b "HE WILL SHOW YOU": \b0 The expression "Things to come" is a reference to the \b blessing \b0 of the\b birthright \b0 and our\b inheritance.\b0 \cf1\ul Heb_9:11\cf0\ulnone \b "\b0 But Christ being come an high priest of\b good things to come, ..." \b0 Jesus Christ is the testator or his own will, verse 16. \cf1\ul Heb_11:20\cf0\ulnone "By faith Isaac \b blessed \b0 Jacob and Esau concerning \b things to come\b0 ."\par \b HE WILL GLORIFY THE LORD: John 16:14\b0 \b "He shall glorify me:\b0 \b for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you.\b0 " (\ul things to come\ulnone ).\par \b OUR INTERCESSOR: \cf1\ul\b0 Rom_8:26\cf0\ulnone "Likewise the Spirit also \b helpeth our infirmities\b0 : for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the \b Spirit itself maketh intercession for us\b0 with groanings which cannot be uttered." \par \pard\sb60\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\b INSPIRATION: \cf1\ul\b0 2Pe_1:21\cf0\ulnone "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but \b holy men LVAL#of God spake\b0 \i as they were \b\i0 moved by the Holy Ghost\b0 ."\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b BLASPHEMY AGAINST MOSES\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\cf1\kerning0\ul Num_12:1-2\cf0\ulnone\b0 "And \b Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses\b0 ..." Miriam's name is first which implies that Miriam was the one who led Aaron astray. Miriam is in type a false teacher as in \cf1\ul Rev_2:20\cf0\ulnone "... thou sufferest that \b woman\b0 Jezebel, which calleth herself \b a prophetess\b0 , \b to teach\b0 and\b to seduce\b0 \b\scaps my\b0\scaps0 \b servants\b0 ..." \cf1\ul Num_12:2\cf0\ulnone "And \b they said\b0 , Hath the LORD indeed \b spoken \b0 only by \b Moses? \b0 hath he not \b spoken \b0 also by us? And \b the LORD heard \i it\b0 ."\i0 \cf1\ul Num_12:9-10\cf0\ulnone "And the \b anger of the LORD\b0 was kindled \b against them\b0 ; ...\i 10....\i0 and, behold, Miriam \i became \b\i0 leprous\b0 ,..." As long as a person was leprous, they were unclean and could not come into the camp. \cf1\ul Num_12:6-8\cf0\ulnone "And he said, \b Hear now my words\b0 : If there be \b a prophet\b0 among you, \i I \i0 the LORD will make myself known unto him in a \b vision\b0 , \i and \i0 will speak unto him in a \b dream\b0 .\i 7. \b\i0 My servant Moses \i is \i0 not so\b0 , ...\i 8. \i0 With him will I speak \b mouth to mouth\b0 , even \b apparently\b0 , and \b not in dark speeches\b0 ; and the \b similitude of the LORD shall he behold\b0 : wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?" What the Holy Spirit hears from God He speaks. The Holy Spirit does not get what He hears from God by dreams and visions, but mouth to mouth. To speak against the Holy Spirit is as the sin of leprosy.\b \cf1\ul\b0 Num_12:11\cf0\ulnone "And Aaron said unto Moses, .... I beseech thee, lay not the \b sin\b0 upon us, wherein we have \b done foolishly\b0 , and wherein \b we have sinned\b0 ." Aaron prayed in verse \b 12\b0 "Let her not be \b as one dead\b0 ." and LVAL$then in \cf1\ul Num_12:13\cf0\ulnone "And Moses cried unto the LORD, saying, \b Heal her now\b0 , O God, I beseech thee."\par \pard\sb60\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\cf1\ul\b Num_12:14-15\cf0\ulnone\b0 "And the LORD said unto Moses, ...should she not \b be ashamed seven days\b0 ? let her be \b shut out from the camp seven days\b0 , and \b after that\b0 let her be received in \i again. 15. \i0 And \b Miriam was shut out from the camp seven days\b0 : \i ...\i0 " Miriam was \b healed of \b0 leprosy but was unclean and shut out of the camp for seven days. This is in type what will happen to those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit. They will not have an entrance into the coming kingdom of our Lord. They will not be kings and priests, but shut out until there is a new heaven and a new earth after the seventh day, the millennium. \cf1\ul Deu_24:9\cf0\ulnone "\b Remember\b0 what the LORD thy God \b did unto Miriam\b0 ..." \cf1\ul Luk_17:32\cf0\ulnone \b "Remember Lot's wife."\b0 This is a warning to those who are saved and part of the family of God. Miriam and Lot's wife were both saved and suffered loss under the judgment of God. \par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b PHARISEES' BLASPHEMY\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\kerning0\b0 One way the church blasphemes the Holy Spirit is to make the Word of God ineffective by traditions which take priority over the Word of God.\b \cf1\ul\b0 Mat_15:1-3\cf0\ulnone "Then came to Jesus \b scribes\b0 and \b Pharisees\b0 , which were of Jerusalem, saying,\i 2. \i0 Why do thy disciples \b transgress the tradition\b0 of the elders? ...\i 3. \i0 ...and said unto them, Why do ye also \b transgress\b0 the \b commandment\b0 of God by your tradition?" \cf1\ul Mat_15:6\cf0\ulnone "... Thus have ye made \b the commandment\b0 of God \b of none effect\b0 by your \b tradition.\b0 " Those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit say in essence, that the Holy Spirit does not have the last word as to our faith and practice. I believe these can be and aLVAL%re saved. They are very bold as in \cf1\ul Rom_1:25\cf0\ulnone "Who \b changed the truth\b0 of God \b into a lie\b0 , ...." When this begins to happen, then God will not let them return again to the truth and then they will begin to believe the lie as the truth. \cf1\ul Rom_1:28\cf0\ulnone "And even as they did not like to \b retain \b0 [\f1 ecw \f0 present active infinitive, having] God in \i their \b\i0 knowledge \b0 [\f1 epignwsiv\f3 , \f0 high knowledge that only the saved can have], \b God gave them over \b0 to a \b reprobate mind\b0 , to do those things which are not convenient [\ul fitting\ulnone ];" \par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b FALSE TEACHERS, FABLES, TRADITIONS\par \pard\kerning0 FALSE TEACHERS: \cf1\ul\b0 2Pe_2:1\cf0\ulnone "But there were\b false prophets\b0 also \b among the people\b0 , even as there shall be \b false teachers\b0 \b among you\b0 , who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even \b denying the Lord that bought them\b0 , and bring upon themselves \b swift destruction\b0 ." Paul said this would happen in the church in Ephesus in \cf1\ul Act_20:29-30\cf0\ulnone\b \b0 "For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, \b not sparing the flock\b0 .\i 30. \i0 Also \b of your own selves\b0 shall men arise, \b speaking perverse things\b0 , to draw away disciples after them." \par \b FABLES: \cf1\ul\b0 1Ti_6:1-7\cf0\ulnone "Neither give heed to \b fables\b0 ... \b some\b0 having \b swerved\b0 have \b turned aside\b0 unto \b vain jangling\b0 ;\i 7. \i0 Desiring to be \b teachers \b0 of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm." There will come a time when those in the churches will not endure sound doctrine. \cf1\ul 2Ti_4:3-4\cf0\ulnone "For the time will come when they will \b not endure sound doctrine\b0 ; but after \b their own lusts\b0 shall they heap to themselves \b teachers, \b0 having itching ears;\i 4. \i0 And they shall turn away \i their \i0 ears from the truth, andVLVALf\b shall be turned unto fables\b0 ."\par \b TRADITION: \cf1\ul\b0 Col_2:8\cf0\ulnone "Beware lest any man spoil you through \b philosophy\b0 and\b vain decei\b0 t, after the \b tradition of men\b0 , ..." \cf1\ul Col_2:18-22\cf0\ulnone "\b Let no man beguile you of your reward\b0 ..., \b intruding into those things which he hath not seen\b0 ,..."\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b CONCLUSION\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\kerning0\b0 Those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit and change the truth of God into a lie will not be forgiven in this church age nor in the coming millennial age. \cf1\ul Jam_3:1\cf0\ulnone "My brethren, be not many \b masters\b0 [teachers], knowing that we shall receive the \b greater condemnation\b0 ." There are many teachers\b \cf1\ul\b0 2Pe_3:16\cf0\ulnone "... that are unlearned and unstable \b wrest\b0 [twist], as they do also the other \b scriptures\b0 , unto \b their own destruction\b0 ." \cf1\ul Pro_13:13\cf0\ulnone\b \b0 "Whoso \b despiseth the word \b0 shall be \b destroyed\b0 : but he that \b fearth the commandment\b0 shall be \b rewarded\b0 ." \par \pard\sb60\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\b BEWARE: \cf1\ul\b0 2Pe_3:17\cf0\ulnone "Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know \i these things \i0 before, \b beware\b0 lest ye also, \b being led away with the error of the wicked\b0 , fall from your own stedfastness." May we be as those in \cf1\ul Act_4:3\cf0\ulnone\b 1\b0 "And when they had prayed, ... they were all filled with the \b Holy Ghost, \b0 and \b they spake the word of God\b0 with \b boldness\b0 ."\b\par } LVAL'{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fnil\fprq2\fcharset0 Koine;}{\f2\fnil\fcharset0 Koine;}{\f3\froman\fprq2\fcharset2 Symbol;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green128\blue0;} {\stylesheet{ Normal;}{\s1 heading 1;}} {\*\generator Riched20;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\lang1033\b\f0\fs32 UNPARDONABLE SIN\b0\fs24\par \pard\sb60\qc\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\b\fs20 By John W. White\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\fs24 WILLFUL SIN\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\cf1\kerning0\ul Heb_10:26-28\cf0\ulnone\b0 "For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,\i 27. \i0 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.\i 28. \i0 He that\b despised Moses' law\b0 died without mercy under two or three witnesses:"\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b PRESUMPTUOUS SIN\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\cf1\kerning0\ul Num_15:30-31\cf0\ulnone\b0 "But the soul that \b doeth \i ought \i0 presumptuously\b0 , \i whether he be \i0 born in the land, or a stranger, the same reproacheth the LORD; and that soul shall be \b cut off\b0 from among his people.\i 31. \i0 Because he hath \b despised the word of the LORD\b0 , and hath broken his commandment, that soul shall \b utterly be cut off\b0 ; his iniquity \i shall be \i0 upon him."\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b BLASPHEMY AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\cf1\kerning0\ul Mar_3:29\cf0\ulnone\b0 "But he that shall \b blaspheme\b0 against the Holy Ghost hath\b never\b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 ou\f0\fs24 , emphatic not\ulnone ] forgiveness, but is in danger [\ul\f1\fs26 enocov\f0\fs24 , liable, subject to\ulnone ] of \b eternal\b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 aiwn\f0\fs24 , agelasting\ulnone ] \b damnation \b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 krisiv\f0\fs24 , judgment in Received Text and Griesbach MMS, or \f1\fs26 amarthmaLVAL(\fs24 , \f0 sin, in Lachmann, Tischendorf MMS. preferred by the Nestles Text\ulnone ]:"\par \pard\sb60\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\cf1\ul Luk_12:10\cf0\ulnone "And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall \b not\b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 ou\f0\fs24 , emphatic not\ulnone ] be forgiven." \par \cf1\ul\b Mat_12:32\cf0\ulnone \b0 "And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever \b speaketh against\b0 the Holy Ghost, it shall \b not\b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 ou\f0\fs24 , emphatic not\ulnone ] be forgiven him, neither\b in this world \b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 aiwn\f0\fs24 , age, dative case\ulnone ], \b neither in the\b0 \i world \b\i0 to come \b0 [\ul in \i the age\i0 the one coming, present active dative case participle\ulnone ]."\par \b "BLASPHEME":\b0 This word is a transliteration of the Greek word \f1\fs26 blasfhmew\f0\fs24 . Blaspheme means to rail, reproach, or revile. The phrase "Speaketh against" in \cf1\ul Mat_12:32\cf0\ulnone is used as the same expression as "Blaspheme" in \cf1\ul Mar_3:29\cf0\ulnone and \cf1\ul Luk_12:10\cf0\ulnone .\par \b "NOT, NEVER": \b0 This is the Greek word \f1\fs26 ou\f0\fs24 and is the emphatic \scaps not\scaps0 rather than the\f1\fs26 mh\f0\fs24 which is the not used when one wants to change their mind.\par \b "WORLD, ETERNAL":\b0 These words are translated from the Greek words o \f1\fs26 aiwn\f0\fs24 which is singular in number and should be translated \b the age\b0 . This is not eternity, but a single age; which in this context is the church age. Eternity is expressed in \cf1\ul Gal_1:5\cf0\ulnone "To whom \i be \i0 glory for \b ever and ever\b0 . Amen." The word "Ever" in Galatians 1:5 is translated from the same Greek word as "World" and "Eternal" but is\b plural\b0 in number. The literal translation of "Ever and ever" is "\b Unto the ages from the ages\b0 ." Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven LVAL)for two ages, the church age and the millennial age. The lost are those who will not be forgiven unto the ages from the ages.\par \b "TO COME": \b0 This word is a present active singular participle. This phrase is referring to the age that is coming after the church age. The age that is coming is the \b seventh day\b0 or the \b millennial age\b0 . \par \b "ETERNAL DAMNATION":\b0 This is an interesting phrase. The word \b eternal\b0 \ul [\f2 aiwn\ulnone\f0 ]is an \b adjective\b0 describing the "Damnation" and the phrase could be translated "\b Agelasting\b0 \b damnation\b0 ." The word "Damnation" comes from the word "\f1\fs26 krisiv\f0\fs24 " which is the word for "\b Judgment\b0 " in the Received Text and Griesbach Text. The word used in the Lachmann Text, and the Tischendorf Text is \f1\fs26 amarthma\f0\fs24 ,\b \b0 which is the word for "Sin" and is the preferred word in the Nestles Text. The phrase "Agelasting judgment" would become "Agelasting sin."\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b THE MINISTRY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\cf1\kerning0\ul Joh_14:26\cf0\ulnone\b0 "But the \b Comforter\b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 paraklhsiv\ulnone\f0\fs24 ] \i which is \i0 the \b Holy Ghost\b0 , whom the Father will send in my name, he shall \b teach you all things\b0 , and \b bring all things to your remembrance\b0 , whatsoever I have said unto you."\par \pard\sb60\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\b OUR COMFORTER: \b0 The word "\b Comforter\b0 " is a compound word made up by the word "\f1\fs26 para\f0\fs24 " which means "beside;" and "\f1\fs26 kalew\f0\fs24 " which means "to call." The verb form of \f1\fs26 para>klhsiv\f0\fs24 is translated "to Exhort." The Holy Spirit is one who is along side calling and exhorting us according to the will of God. \par \pard\b OUR TEACHER\b0 :\b \b0 The teaching method of the Holy Spirit is found in\cf1\ul Isa_28:9-10\cf0\ulnone "Whom shall \b he teach\b0 knowledge? and whom \b shall he make to understand doctrine\b0 ? them thLVAL*at are \b weaned\b0 from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. 10. For precept must be upon precept, \b precept upon precept\b0 ; line upon line, \b line upon line\b0 ; here a little, and there \b a little\b0 :"\par \b OUR REPROVER: \cf1\ul\b0 Joh_16:8\cf0\ulnone "And when he is come, \b he will reprove\b0 the world of \b sin\b0 , and of \b righteousness\b0 , and of\b judgment\b0 :"\par \b OUR GUIDE: \cf1\ul\b0 Joh_16:13\cf0\ulnone "Howbeit when he, \b the Spirit of truth\b0 , is come, \b he will guide you into all truth\b0 : for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever \b he shall hear\b0 , that \b shall he speak\b0 : and he will show you \b things to come\b0 ."\par \b "ALL TRUTH":\b0 This seems to a reference to the \b milk\b0 of the word. He feed the babes in Christ as well as the mature. \cf1\ul Heb_5:13-14\cf0\ulnone "For every one that useth \b milk \b0 ..:\b for he is a babe\b0 . 14. But \b strong meat\b0 belongeth to them that are of \b full age\b0 ,..." \par \b "HE WILL SHOW YOU": \b0 The expression "Things to come" is a reference to the \b blessing \b0 of the\b birthright \b0 and our\b inheritance.\b0 \cf1\ul Heb_9:11\cf0\ulnone \b "\b0 But Christ being come an high priest of\b good things to come, ..." \b0 Jesus Christ is the testator or his own will, verse 16. \cf1\ul Heb_11:20\cf0\ulnone "By faith Isaac \b blessed \b0 Jacob and Esau concerning \b things to come\b0 ."\par \b HE WILL GLORIFY THE LORD: John 16:14\b0 \b "He shall glorify me:\b0 \b for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you.\b0 " (\ul things to come\ulnone ).\par \b OUR INTERCESSOR: \cf1\ul\b0 Rom_8:26\cf0\ulnone "Likewise the Spirit also \b helpeth our infirmities\b0 : for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the \b Spirit itself maketh intercession for us\b0 with groanings which cannot be uttered." \par \pard\sb60\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\b INSPIRATION: \cf1\ul\b0 2Pe_1:21\cf0\ulnone "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but \b LVAL+holy men of God spake\b0 \i as they were \b\i0 moved by the Holy Ghost\b0 ."\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b BLASPHEMY AGAINST MOSES\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\cf1\kerning0\ul Num_12:1-2\cf0\ulnone\b0 "And \b Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses\b0 ..." Miriam's name is first which implies that Miriam was the one who led Aaron astray. Miriam is in type a false teacher as in \cf1\ul Rev_2:20\cf0\ulnone "... thou sufferest that \b woman\b0 Jezebel, which calleth herself \b a prophetess\b0 , \b to teach\b0 and\b to seduce\b0 \b\scaps my\b0\scaps0 \b servants\b0 ..." \cf1\ul Num_12:2\cf0\ulnone "And \b they said\b0 , Hath the LORD indeed \b spoken \b0 only by \b Moses? \b0 hath he not \b spoken \b0 also by us? And \b the LORD heard \i it\b0 ."\i0 \cf1\ul Num_12:9-10\cf0\ulnone "And the \b anger of the LORD\b0 was kindled \b against them\b0 ; ...\i 10....\i0 and, behold, Miriam \i became \b\i0 leprous\b0 ,..." As long as a person was leprous, they were unclean and could not come into the camp. \cf1\ul Num_12:6-8\cf0\ulnone "And he said, \b Hear now my words\b0 : If there be \b a prophet\b0 among you, \i I \i0 the LORD will make myself known unto him in a \b vision\b0 , \i and \i0 will speak unto him in a \b dream\b0 .\i 7. \b\i0 My servant Moses \i is \i0 not so\b0 , ...\i 8. \i0 With him will I speak \b mouth to mouth\b0 , even \b apparently\b0 , and \b not in dark speeches\b0 ; and the \b similitude of the LORD shall he behold\b0 : wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?" What the Holy Spirit hears from God He speaks. The Holy Spirit does not get what He hears from God by dreams and visions, but mouth to mouth. To speak against the Holy Spirit is as the sin of leprosy.\b \cf1\ul\b0 Num_12:11\cf0\ulnone "And Aaron said unto Moses, .... I beseech thee, lay not the \b sin\b0 upon us, wherein we have \b done foolishly\b0 , and wherein \b we have sinned\b0 ." Aaron prayed in verse \b 12\b0 "Let her not be \b as one dead\bLVAL,0 ." and then in \cf1\ul Num_12:13\cf0\ulnone "And Moses cried unto the LORD, saying, \b Heal her now\b0 , O God, I beseech thee."\par \pard\sb60\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\cf1\ul\b Num_12:14-15\cf0\ulnone\b0 "And the LORD said unto Moses, ...should she not \b be ashamed seven days\b0 ? let her be \b shut out from the camp seven days\b0 , and \b after that\b0 let her be received in \i again. 15. \i0 And \b Miriam was shut out from the camp seven days\b0 : \i ...\i0 " Miriam was \b healed of \b0 leprosy but was unclean and shut out of the camp for seven days. This is in type what will happen to those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit. They will not have an entrance into the coming kingdom of our Lord. They will not be kings and priests, but shut out until there is a new heaven and a new earth after the seventh day, the millennium. \cf1\ul Deu_24:9\cf0\ulnone "\b Remember\b0 what the LORD thy God \b did unto Miriam\b0 ..." \cf1\ul Luk_17:32\cf0\ulnone \b "Remember Lot's wife."\b0 This is a warning to those who are saved and part of the family of God. Miriam and Lot's wife were both saved and suffered loss under the judgment of God. \par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b PHARISEES' BLASPHEMY\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\kerning0\b0 One way the church blasphemes the Holy Spirit is to make the Word of God ineffective by traditions which take priority over the Word of God.\b \cf1\ul\b0 Mat_15:1-3\cf0\ulnone "Then came to Jesus \b scribes\b0 and \b Pharisees\b0 , which were of Jerusalem, saying,\i 2. \i0 Why do thy disciples \b transgress the tradition\b0 of the elders? ...\i 3. \i0 ...and said unto them, Why do ye also \b transgress\b0 the \b commandment\b0 of God by your tradition?" \cf1\ul Mat_15:6\cf0\ulnone "... Thus have ye made \b the commandment\b0 of God \b of none effect\b0 by your \b tradition.\b0 " Those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit say in essence, that the Holy Spirit does not have the last word as to our faith and practice. I believe these canLVAL- be and are saved. They are very bold as in \cf1\ul Rom_1:25\cf0\ulnone "Who \b changed the truth\b0 of God \b into a lie\b0 , ...." When this begins to happen, then God will not let them return again to the truth and then they will begin to believe the lie as the truth. \cf1\ul Rom_1:28\cf0\ulnone "And even as they did not like to \b retain \b0 [\f1 ecw \f0 present active infinitive, having] God in \i their \b\i0 knowledge \b0 [\f1 epignwsiv\f3 , \f0 high knowledge that only the saved can have], \b God gave them over \b0 to a \b reprobate mind\b0 , to do those things which are not convenient [\ul fitting\ulnone ];" \par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b FALSE TEACHERS, FABLES, TRADITIONS\par \pard\kerning0 FALSE TEACHERS: \cf1\ul\b0 2Pe_2:1\cf0\ulnone "But there were\b false prophets\b0 also \b among the people\b0 , even as there shall be \b false teachers\b0 \b among you\b0 , who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even \b denying the Lord that bought them\b0 , and bring upon themselves \b swift destruction\b0 ." Paul said this would happen in the church in Ephesus in \cf1\ul Act_20:29-30\cf0\ulnone\b \b0 "For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, \b not sparing the flock\b0 .\i 30. \i0 Also \b of your own selves\b0 shall men arise, \b speaking perverse things\b0 , to draw away disciples after them." \par \b FABLES: \cf1\ul\b0 1Ti_6:1-7\cf0\ulnone "Neither give heed to \b fables\b0 ... \b some\b0 having \b swerved\b0 have \b turned aside\b0 unto \b vain jangling\b0 ;\i 7. \i0 Desiring to be \b teachers \b0 of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm." There will come a time when those in the churches will not endure sound doctrine. \cf1\ul 2Ti_4:3-4\cf0\ulnone "For the time will come when they will \b not endure sound doctrine\b0 ; but after \b their own lusts\b0 shall they heap to themselves \b teachers, \b0 having itching ears;\i 4. \i0 And they shall turn away \i their \i0 ears from the tDLVALTruth, and\b shall be turned unto fables\b0 ."\par \b TRADITION: \cf1\ul\b0 Col_2:8\cf0\ulnone "Beware lest any man spoil you through \b philosophy\b0 and\b vain decei\b0 t, after the \b tradition of men\b0 , ..." \cf1\ul Col_2:18-22\cf0\ulnone "\b Let no man beguile you of your reward\b0 ..., \b intruding into those things which he hath not seen\b0 ,..."\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b CONCLUSION\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\kerning0\b0 Those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit and change the truth of God into a lie will not be forgiven in this church age nor in the coming millennial age. \cf1\ul Jam_3:1\cf0\ulnone "My brethren, be not many \b masters\b0 [teachers], knowing that we shall receive the \b greater condemnation\b0 ." There are many teachers\b \cf1\ul\b0 2Pe_3:16\cf0\ulnone "... that are unlearned and unstable \b wrest\b0 [twist], as they do also the other \b scriptures\b0 , unto \b their own destruction\b0 ." \cf1\ul Pro_13:13\cf0\ulnone\b \b0 "Whoso \b despiseth the word \b0 shall be \b destroyed\b0 : but he that \b fearth the commandment\b0 shall be \b rewarded\b0 ." \par \pard\sb60\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\b BEWARE: \cf1\ul\b0 2Pe_3:17\cf0\ulnone "Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know \i these things \i0 before, \b beware\b0 lest ye also, \b being led away with the error of the wicked\b0 , fall from your own stedfastness." May we be as those in \cf1\ul Act_4:3\cf0\ulnone\b 1\b0 "And when they had prayed, ... they were all filled with the \b Holy Ghost, \b0 and \b they spake the word of God\b0 with \b boldness\b0 ."\b\par } LVAL=/{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fnil\fprq2\fcharset0 Koine;}{\f2\fnil\fcharset0 Koine;}{\f3\froman\fprq2\fcharset2 Symbol;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green128\blue0;} {\stylesheet{ Normal;}{\s1 heading 1;}} {\*\generator Riched20;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\lang1033\b\f0\fs32 UNPARDONABLE SIN\b0\fs24\par \pard\sb60\qc\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\b\fs20 By John W. White\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\fs24 WILLFUL SIN\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\cf1\kerning0\ul Heb_10:26-28\cf0\ulnone\b0 "For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,\i 27. \i0 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.\i 28. \i0 He that\b despised Moses' law\b0 died without mercy under two or three witnesses:"\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b PRESUMPTUOUS SIN\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\cf1\kerning0\ul Num_15:30-31\cf0\ulnone\b0 "But the soul that \b doeth \i ought \i0 presumptuously\b0 , \i whether he be \i0 born in the land, or a stranger, the same reproacheth the LORD; and that soul shall be \b cut off\b0 from among his people.\i 31. \i0 Because he hath \b despised the word of the LORD\b0 , and hath broken his commandment, that soul shall \b utterly be cut off\b0 ; his iniquity \i shall be \i0 upon him."\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b BLASPHEMY AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\cf1\kerning0\ul Mar_3:29\cf0\ulnone\b0 "But he that shall \b blaspheme\b0 against the Holy Ghost hath\b never\b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 ou\f0\fs24 , emphatic not\ulnone ] forgiveness, but is in danger [\ul\f1\fs26 enocov\f0\fs24 , liable, subject to\ulnone ] of \b eternal\b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 aiwn\f0\fs24 , agelasting\ulnone ] \b damnation \b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 krisiv\f0\fs24 , judgment in Received Text and Griesbach MMS, or \f1\fs26 amarthmaLVAL0\fs24 , \f0 sin, in Lachmann, Tischendorf MMS. preferred by the Nestles Text\ulnone ]:"\par \pard\sb60\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\cf1\ul Luk_12:10\cf0\ulnone "And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall \b not\b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 ou\f0\fs24 , emphatic not\ulnone ] be forgiven." \par \cf1\ul\b Mat_12:32\cf0\ulnone \b0 "And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever \b speaketh against\b0 the Holy Ghost, it shall \b not\b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 ou\f0\fs24 , emphatic not\ulnone ] be forgiven him, neither\b in this world \b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 aiwn\f0\fs24 , age, dative case\ulnone ], \b neither in the\b0 \i world \b\i0 to come \b0 [\ul in \i the age\i0 the one coming, present active dative case participle\ulnone ]."\par \b "BLASPHEME":\b0 This word is a transliteration of the Greek word \f1\fs26 blasfhmew\f0\fs24 . Blaspheme means to rail, reproach, or revile. The phrase "Speaketh against" in \cf1\ul Mat_12:32\cf0\ulnone is used as the same expression as "Blaspheme" in \cf1\ul Mar_3:29\cf0\ulnone and \cf1\ul Luk_12:10\cf0\ulnone .\par \b "NOT, NEVER": \b0 This is the Greek word \f1\fs26 ou\f0\fs24 and is the emphatic \scaps not\scaps0 rather than the\f1\fs26 mh\f0\fs24 which is the not used when one wants to change their mind.\par \b "WORLD, ETERNAL":\b0 These words are translated from the Greek words o \f1\fs26 aiwn\f0\fs24 which is singular in number and should be translated \b the age\b0 . This is not eternity, but a single age; which in this context is the church age. Eternity is expressed in \cf1\ul Gal_1:5\cf0\ulnone "To whom \i be \i0 glory for \b ever and ever\b0 . Amen." The word "Ever" in Galatians 1:5 is translated from the same Greek word as "World" and "Eternal" but is\b plural\b0 in number. The literal translation of "Ever and ever" is "\b Unto the ages from the ages\b0 ." Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven LVAL1for two ages, the church age and the millennial age. The lost are those who will not be forgiven unto the ages from the ages.\par \b "TO COME": \b0 This word is a present active singular participle. This phrase is referring to the age that is coming after the church age. The age that is coming is the \b seventh day\b0 or the \b millennial age\b0 . \par \b "ETERNAL DAMNATION":\b0 This is an interesting phrase. The word \b eternal\b0 \ul [\f2 aiwn\ulnone\f0 ]is an \b adjective\b0 describing the "Damnation" and the phrase could be translated "\b Agelasting\b0 \b damnation\b0 ." The word "Damnation" comes from the word "\f1\fs26 krisiv\f0\fs24 " which is the word for "\b Judgment\b0 " in the Received Text and Griesbach Text. The word used in the Lachmann Text, and the Tischendorf Text is \f1\fs26 amarthma\f0\fs24 ,\b \b0 which is the word for "Sin" and is the preferred word in the Nestles Text. The phrase "Agelasting judgment" would become "Agelasting sin."\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b THE MINISTRY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\cf1\kerning0\ul Joh_14:26\cf0\ulnone\b0 "But the \b Comforter\b0 [\ul\f1\fs26 paraklhsiv\ulnone\f0\fs24 ] \i which is \i0 the \b Holy Ghost\b0 , whom the Father will send in my name, he shall \b teach you all things\b0 , and \b bring all things to your remembrance\b0 , whatsoever I have said unto you."\par \pard\sb60\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\b OUR COMFORTER: \b0 The word "\b Comforter\b0 " is a compound word made up by the word "\f1\fs26 para\f0\fs24 " which means "beside;" and "\f1\fs26 kalew\f0\fs24 " which means "to call." The verb form of \f1\fs26 para>klhsiv\f0\fs24 is translated "to Exhort." The Holy Spirit is one who is along side calling and exhorting us according to the will of God. \par \pard\b OUR TEACHER\b0 :\b \b0 The teaching method of the Holy Spirit is found in\cf1\ul Isa_28:9-10\cf0\ulnone "Whom shall \b he teach\b0 knowledge? and whom \b shall he make to understand doctrine\b0 ? them thLVAL2at are \b weaned\b0 from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. 10. For precept must be upon precept, \b precept upon precept\b0 ; line upon line, \b line upon line\b0 ; here a little, and there \b a little\b0 :"\par \b OUR REPROVER: \cf1\ul\b0 Joh_16:8\cf0\ulnone "And when he is come, \b he will reprove\b0 the world of \b sin\b0 , and of \b righteousness\b0 , and of\b judgment\b0 :"\par \b OUR GUIDE: \cf1\ul\b0 Joh_16:13\cf0\ulnone "Howbeit when he, \b the Spirit of truth\b0 , is come, \b he will guide you into all truth\b0 : for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever \b he shall hear\b0 , that \b shall he speak\b0 : and he will show you \b things to come\b0 ."\par \b "ALL TRUTH":\b0 This seems to a reference to the \b milk\b0 of the word. He feed the babes in Christ as well as the mature. \cf1\ul Heb_5:13-14\cf0\ulnone "For every one that useth \b milk \b0 ..:\b for he is a babe\b0 . 14. But \b strong meat\b0 belongeth to them that are of \b full age\b0 ,..." \par \b "HE WILL SHOW YOU": \b0 The expression "Things to come" is a reference to the \b blessing \b0 of the\b birthright \b0 and our\b inheritance.\b0 \cf1\ul Heb_9:11\cf0\ulnone \b "\b0 But Christ being come an high priest of\b good things to come, ..." \b0 Jesus Christ is the testator or his own will, verse 16. \cf1\ul Heb_11:20\cf0\ulnone "By faith Isaac \b blessed \b0 Jacob and Esau concerning \b things to come\b0 ."\par \b HE WILL GLORIFY THE LORD: John 16:14\b0 \b "He shall glorify me:\b0 \b for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you.\b0 " (\ul things to come\ulnone ).\par \b OUR INTERCESSOR: \cf1\ul\b0 Rom_8:26\cf0\ulnone "Likewise the Spirit also \b helpeth our infirmities\b0 : for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the \b Spirit itself maketh intercession for us\b0 with groanings which cannot be uttered." \par \pard\sb60\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\b INSPIRATION: \cf1\ul\b0 2Pe_1:21\cf0\ulnone "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but \b LVAL3holy men of God spake\b0 \i as they were \b\i0 moved by the Holy Ghost\b0 ."\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b BLASPHEMY AGAINST MOSES\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\cf1\kerning0\ul Num_12:1-2\cf0\ulnone\b0 "And \b Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses\b0 ..." Miriam's name is first which implies that Miriam was the one who led Aaron astray. Miriam is in type a false teacher as in \cf1\ul Rev_2:20\cf0\ulnone "... thou sufferest that \b woman\b0 Jezebel, which calleth herself \b a prophetess\b0 , \b to teach\b0 and\b to seduce\b0 \b\scaps my\b0\scaps0 \b servants\b0 ..." \cf1\ul Num_12:2\cf0\ulnone "And \b they said\b0 , Hath the LORD indeed \b spoken \b0 only by \b Moses? \b0 hath he not \b spoken \b0 also by us? And \b the LORD heard \i it\b0 ."\i0 \cf1\ul Num_12:9-10\cf0\ulnone "And the \b anger of the LORD\b0 was kindled \b against them\b0 ; ...\i 10....\i0 and, behold, Miriam \i became \b\i0 leprous\b0 ,..." As long as a person was leprous, they were unclean and could not come into the camp. \cf1\ul Num_12:6-8\cf0\ulnone "And he said, \b Hear now my words\b0 : If there be \b a prophet\b0 among you, \i I \i0 the LORD will make myself known unto him in a \b vision\b0 , \i and \i0 will speak unto him in a \b dream\b0 .\i 7. \b\i0 My servant Moses \i is \i0 not so\b0 , ...\i 8. \i0 With him will I speak \b mouth to mouth\b0 , even \b apparently\b0 , and \b not in dark speeches\b0 ; and the \b similitude of the LORD shall he behold\b0 : wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?" What the Holy Spirit hears from God He speaks. The Holy Spirit does not get what He hears from God by dreams and visions, but mouth to mouth. To speak against the Holy Spirit is as the sin of leprosy.\b \cf1\ul\b0 Num_12:11\cf0\ulnone "And Aaron said unto Moses, .... I beseech thee, lay not the \b sin\b0 upon us, wherein we have \b done foolishly\b0 , and wherein \b we have sinned\b0 ." Aaron prayed in verse \b 12\b0 "Let her not be \b as one dead\bLVAL40 ." and then in \cf1\ul Num_12:13\cf0\ulnone "And Moses cried unto the LORD, saying, \b Heal her now\b0 , O God, I beseech thee."\par \pard\sb60\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\cf1\ul\b Num_12:14-15\cf0\ulnone\b0 "And the LORD said unto Moses, ...should she not \b be ashamed seven days\b0 ? let her be \b shut out from the camp seven days\b0 , and \b after that\b0 let her be received in \i again. 15. \i0 And \b Miriam was shut out from the camp seven days\b0 : \i ...\i0 " Miriam was \b healed of \b0 leprosy but was unclean and shut out of the camp for seven days. This is in type what will happen to those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit. They will not have an entrance into the coming kingdom of our Lord. They will not be kings and priests, but shut out until there is a new heaven and a new earth after the seventh day, the millennium. \cf1\ul Deu_24:9\cf0\ulnone "\b Remember\b0 what the LORD thy God \b did unto Miriam\b0 ..." \cf1\ul Luk_17:32\cf0\ulnone \b "Remember Lot's wife."\b0 This is a warning to those who are saved and part of the family of God. Miriam and Lot's wife were both saved and suffered loss under the judgment of God. \par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b PHARISEES' BLASPHEMY\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\kerning0\b0 One way the church blasphemes the Holy Spirit is to make the Word of God ineffective by traditions which take priority over the Word of God.\b \cf1\ul\b0 Mat_15:1-3\cf0\ulnone "Then came to Jesus \b scribes\b0 and \b Pharisees\b0 , which were of Jerusalem, saying,\i 2. \i0 Why do thy disciples \b transgress the tradition\b0 of the elders? ...\i 3. \i0 ...and said unto them, Why do ye also \b transgress\b0 the \b commandment\b0 of God by your tradition?" \cf1\ul Mat_15:6\cf0\ulnone "... Thus have ye made \b the commandment\b0 of God \b of none effect\b0 by your \b tradition.\b0 " Those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit say in essence, that the Holy Spirit does not have the last word as to our faith and practice. I believe these canLVAL5 be and are saved. They are very bold as in \cf1\ul Rom_1:25\cf0\ulnone "Who \b changed the truth\b0 of God \b into a lie\b0 , ...." When this begins to happen, then God will not let them return again to the truth and then they will begin to believe the lie as the truth. \cf1\ul Rom_1:28\cf0\ulnone "And even as they did not like to \b retain \b0 [\f1 ecw \f0 present active infinitive, having] God in \i their \b\i0 knowledge \b0 [\f1 epignwsiv\f3 , \f0 high knowledge that only the saved can have], \b God gave them over \b0 to a \b reprobate mind\b0 , to do those things which are not convenient [\ul fitting\ulnone ];" \par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b FALSE TEACHERS, FABLES, TRADITIONS\par \pard\kerning0 FALSE TEACHERS: \cf1\ul\b0 2Pe_2:1\cf0\ulnone "But there were\b false prophets\b0 also \b among the people\b0 , even as there shall be \b false teachers\b0 \b among you\b0 , who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even \b denying the Lord that bought them\b0 , and bring upon themselves \b swift destruction\b0 ." Paul said this would happen in the church in Ephesus in \cf1\ul Act_20:29-30\cf0\ulnone\b \b0 "For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, \b not sparing the flock\b0 .\i 30. \i0 Also \b of your own selves\b0 shall men arise, \b speaking perverse things\b0 , to draw away disciples after them." \par \b FABLES: \cf1\ul\b0 1Ti_6:1-7\cf0\ulnone "Neither give heed to \b fables\b0 ... \b some\b0 having \b swerved\b0 have \b turned aside\b0 unto \b vain jangling\b0 ;\i 7. \i0 Desiring to be \b teachers \b0 of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm." There will come a time when those in the churches will not endure sound doctrine. \cf1\ul 2Ti_4:3-4\cf0\ulnone "For the time will come when they will \b not endure sound doctrine\b0 ; but after \b their own lusts\b0 shall they heap to themselves \b teachers, \b0 having itching ears;\i 4. \i0 And they shall turn away \i their \i0 ears from the tDLVALTruth, and\b shall be turned unto fables\b0 ."\par \b TRADITION: \cf1\ul\b0 Col_2:8\cf0\ulnone "Beware lest any man spoil you through \b philosophy\b0 and\b vain decei\b0 t, after the \b tradition of men\b0 , ..." \cf1\ul Col_2:18-22\cf0\ulnone "\b Let no man beguile you of your reward\b0 ..., \b intruding into those things which he hath not seen\b0 ,..."\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b CONCLUSION\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\kerning0\b0 Those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit and change the truth of God into a lie will not be forgiven in this church age nor in the coming millennial age. \cf1\ul Jam_3:1\cf0\ulnone "My brethren, be not many \b masters\b0 [teachers], knowing that we shall receive the \b greater condemnation\b0 ." There are many teachers\b \cf1\ul\b0 2Pe_3:16\cf0\ulnone "... that are unlearned and unstable \b wrest\b0 [twist], as they do also the other \b scriptures\b0 , unto \b their own destruction\b0 ." \cf1\ul Pro_13:13\cf0\ulnone\b \b0 "Whoso \b despiseth the word \b0 shall be \b destroyed\b0 : but he that \b fearth the commandment\b0 shall be \b rewarded\b0 ." \par \pard\sb60\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\b BEWARE: \cf1\ul\b0 2Pe_3:17\cf0\ulnone "Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know \i these things \i0 before, \b beware\b0 lest ye also, \b being led away with the error of the wicked\b0 , fall from your own stedfastness." May we be as those in \cf1\ul Act_4:3\cf0\ulnone\b 1\b0 "And when they had prayed, ... they were all filled with the \b Holy Ghost, \b0 and \b they spake the word of God\b0 with \b boldness\b0 ."\b\par }