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White\b\fs24\par \pard\sb120\b0 The purpose of this tract is to show that Paul\rquote s gospel or the expressions \ldblquote my gospel\rdblquote or \ldblquote our gospel\rdblquote is not a reference to the salvation of \cf1\ul Act_16:30-31\cf0\ulnone . Before Jesus was crucified, Gentiles were denied the message of the kingdom of the heavens and only saved Israel could qualify to have an heavenly inheritance. Gentiles have always been able to be saved; but they had no hope of having an \b entrance\b0 \b into\b0 the kingdom of the heavens. As a saved Gentile he would have the privilege of seeing the kingdom of the heavens. \cf1\ul Joh_3:3\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote Except a man be born again, he cannot \b see\b0 the kingdom of God.\rdblquote\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b ISRAELITES\par \pard\kerning0\b0 The following passages of scripture will provide insight into God\rquote s love for the nation of Israel and their special place in His purposes for them. \cf1\ul Deu_7:6\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote For thou \i art \i0 an \b holy\b0 \b people\b0 unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a \b special\b0 \b people\b0 unto himself, \b above\b0 \b all\b0 \b people\b0 that \i are \i0 upon the face of the earth.\rdblquote \cf1\ul Rom_9:4-5\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote Who are Israelites; to whom \i pertaineth \i0 the \b adoption\b0 , and the \b glory\b0 , and the \b covenants\b0 , and the giving of the \b law\b0 , and the \b service\b0 \i of God, \i0 and the \b promises\b0 ;\i 5. \i0 Whose \i are \i0 the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ \i came\i0 ...\rdblquote \cf1\ul Eze_37:12-14\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote LVALTherefore prophesy ...Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you \b into the land \b0 of Israel.\i 13. \i0 And ye shall know that I \i am \i0 the LORD, when I have opened your graves, ... and brought you up out of your graves,\i 14. ...\i0 \b I shall place you in your own land\b0 : then shall ye know that I the LORD have spoken \i it\i0 ...\rdblquote The hope of Israel was the land. Jesus Christ came preaching the kingdom of heavens, a heavenly inheritance, and \b not\b0 \b the\b0 \b land\b0 , an early inheritance. At the beginning of His ministry Jesus was calling only many of the nation of Israel unto this inheritance. \cf1\ul Mat_22:14\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote For \b many\b0 are \b called\b0 , but \b few\b0 \i are \b\i0 chosen\b0 .\rdblquote Jesus and the Apostles were preaching to those of Israel that had ears to hear. \cf1\ul Mat_13:9\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.\rdblquote The mysteries of the kingdom of the heavens had not been revealed to the nation of Israel until Jesus began his ministry. There were a few in the Old Testament referred to in Hebrews 11 that \ldblquote ...looked for a city ...whose builder and maker \i is \i0 God.\rdblquote \cf1\ul Heb_11:10\cf0\ulnone\b \b0 Those who lived by faith desired \ldblquote ...a better \i country, \i0 that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.\rdblquote \cf1\ul Heb_11:16\cf0\ulnone\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b GENTILES\par \pard\kerning0\b0 The revelation made to Paul was not that Gentiles could now be saved since Jesus Christ had died on the cross. Gentiles have always been able to be saved. The prime example of this is found in \cf1 Jon_3:5\cf0 \ldblquote So the people of Nineveh \b believed\b0 \b God\b0 , and proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them even to the least of them.\rdblquote \cf1\ul Isa_56:6-7\cf0\ulnone \ldblquotLVALe Also the sons of the stranger, that \b join\b0 \b themselves\b0 to the LORD, to \b serve\b0 him, and to \b love\b0 \b the\b0 \b name\b0 of the LORD, to \b be\b0 his \b servants\b0 , every one that \b keepeth\b0 \b the\b0 \b sabbath\b0 from polluting it, and \b taketh\b0 \b hold\b0 of my covenant;\i 7. \i0 Even \b them\b0 will I \b bring\b0 to my holy mountain, and \b make them joyful\b0 in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and \b their\b0 \b sacrifices\b0 \i shall be \i0 accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for \b all\b0 \b people\b0 .\rdblquote \par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b GENTILE INHERITANCE\par \pard\kerning0\b0 Saved Gentiles were given an inheritance in the land of Israel. \cf1\ul Eze_47:22-23\cf0\ulnone\b \b0\ldblquote And it shall come to pass, \i that \i0 ye shall divide it by lot for an \b inheritance\b0 unto you, and to the \b strangers\b0 that sojourn \b among\b0 you, which shall beget children \b among\b0 \b you\b0 : and they shall be unto you as born in the country among the children of Israel; \b they shall have inheritance\b0 with you \b among\b0 the tribes of Israel.\i 23. \i0 And it shall come to pass, \i that\b \i0 in \b0 what tribe the stranger sojourneth, \b there shall ye give \i him \i0 his inheritance\b0 , saith the Lord GOD.\rdblquote Gentiles were to be given an inheritance \b among\b0 the tribe in which they dwelt. An example of this is found in the inheritance of Caleb, a Gentile. Caleb\rquote s name means \lquote dog\rquote in Hebrew. \cf1\ul Jos_21:12\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote But \b the\b0 \b fields\b0 of the city, ... gave they to Caleb ... for his possession.\rdblquote\par \pard\sb60 Before Christ was crucified, saved Gentiles were not allowed to have an \b entrance\b0 into the kingdom of the heavens.\cf2 \cf0 Peter and the apostles were taught and learned well in \cf1\ul Mat_10:5-7\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote These twelve Jesus... commanded ... saying, \b Go\b0 \b not\b0 LVAL into the way of the \b Gentiles\b0 , and into \i any \i0 city of the \b Samaritans\b0 \b enter\b0 ye \b not\b0 :\i 6. \i0 But \b go\b0 \b rather\b0 to the lost sheep of the house of \b Israel\b0 .\i 7.\i0 ...preach ...The kingdom of heaven is at hand.\rdblquote Jesus refused, for a time, the pleas of the woman of Canaan in \cf1\ul Mat_15:24-28\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel [saved Israel].\i 26. ...\i0 , It is not meet to take the \b children\rquote s\b0 bread, and cast \i it \i0 to \b dogs \b0 [saved Gentiles like Caleb]. \i 28...\i0 O woman, great is thy faith...\rdblquote\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b GENTILES HAD NO HOPE\par \pard\cf1\kerning0\ul\b0 Eph_2:12\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote That at that time ye [Gentiles] were \b without\b0 \b Christ\b0 , being \b aliens\b0 from the \b common-wealth\b0 of Israel, and \b strangers\b0 from the covenants of \b promise\b0 , having \b no\b0 \b hope\b0 , and \b without\b0 \b God\b0 in the world:\rdblquote Gentiles had no hope of a \b Messiah\b0 as did the nation of Israel. Gentiles had no promise of having an inheritance in any of the cities of the land of Israel. God did not make any covenants with Gentiles as he did with the nation of Israel. The LORD was not the God of the Gentiles but the God of Shem. \cf1\ul Gen_9:26\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote Blessed \i be \i0 the LORD God of Shem...\rdblquote The Word of God has been revealed only through Israel. \cf1\ul Psa_147:19-20\cf0\ulnone\b \b0 \ldblquote He showeth his \b word\b0 unto \b Jacob\b0 , his \b statutes\b0 and his \b judgments\b0 unto \b Israel\b0 .\i 20. \i0 He hath \b not\b0 dealt so with \b any\b0 \b nation\b0\rdblquote Yet, as\b \b0 it has already been noted, Gentiles could \ldblquote\b join\b0 \b themselves\b0 to the LORD\rdblquote in \cf1\ul Isa_56:6\cf0\ulnone . \par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b PAUL\rquote S GOSPEL\par \pard\cf1\kerning0\ul\b0 Rom_16:25-LVAL26\cf0\ulnone\b \b0\ldblquote Now to him [Wise God v. 27] that is of power to \b stablish\b0 [establish, fix] you according to \b my\b0 \b gospel\b0 , and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the \b mystery\b0 , which was \b kept secret\b0 since the world began,\i 26. \i0 But \b now\b0 [at the present time] is made \b manifest\b0 [to bring to light, make known], and by the scriptures of the \b prophets\b0 , according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all \b nations\b0 [Gentiles] for the \b obedience\b0 of \b faith\b0 :\rdblquote Paul\rquote s gospel was a mystery kept secret by God since the ages began. The common salvation was not kept secret. Adam and Eve knew how to be saved from the time they left the garden. \cf1\ul Joh_1:9\cf0\ulnone \i\ldblquote\i0 ...the true Light, which \b lighteth\b0 \b every\b0 \b man\b0 that cometh into the world.\rdblquote \cf1\ul Rom_1:19-20\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote Because \b that which may be known\b0 of God \b is manifest in them\b0 ; for \b God hath showed\b0 \i it \i0 unto them. \i 20. \i0 that they are without excuse.\rdblquote The Old Testament prophets wrote of the blessings that would come to the Gentiles but what that blessing was in full was not revealed unto them. \cf1\ul Isa_56:7\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote Even \b them\b0 [Gentiles] \b will I bring \b0 to\b my holy mountain\b0 , and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices \i shall be \i0 accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people [Jew and Gentile].\rdblquote This is beyond salvation. The way of salvation for Gentiles is found in verse 6. Paul gospel was made known to Gentiles for the obedience of faith. The words \ldblquote Obedience\rdblquote and \ldblquote Faith\rdblquote are fraught with meaning. \cf1\ul Heb_11:6\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote But without \b faith\b0 \i it is \i0 impossible to please \i him...\i0 .\rdblquote \cf1\ul Gal_5:6\cf0\ulLVALnone\b \b0\ldblquote ...\b faith\b0 which worketh by \b love\b0 .\rdblquote Obedience is the result of love as in \cf1\ul Joh_14:15\cf0\ulnone \b "If ye love me, \b0 keep my commandments." Those who are obedient are just, and only the \ldblquote\b The just shall live by faith.\rdblquote Romans 1:17\b0 If you are disobedient you are living in sin and there is no way you can please God by trying to live by faith. (\ul See tract on Faith or Believe\ulnone ).\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b NOW REVEALED\par \pard\cf1\kerning0\ul Gal_1:11-12\cf0\ulnone \b0 \ldblquote But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man.\i 12. \i0 For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught \i it, \i0 but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.\rdblquote At the time Paul received this revelation none of the apostles could tell him that Gentiles would be about to enter the kingdom of the heavens, because they believed they could not. That is what the Lord had taught them. Paul tells us in \cf1\ul Eph_5:1-6\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery; ...\i 5. \i0 Which in other ages was \b not made known\b0 unto the sons of men, as it is \b now\b0 \b revealed\b0 unto his holy \b apostles\b0 and \b prophets\b0 by the Spirit;\i 6. \i0 That the \b Gentiles\b0 should be \b fellowheirs\b0 , and of the \b same\b0 \b body\b0 , and \b partakers\b0 of his \b promise\b0 in \b Christ\b0 by the \b gospel\b0 :\rdblquote \cf1\ul Eph_2:16-19\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote And that he might \b reconcile\b0 \b both\b0 [Jew and Gentile] unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the \b enmity\b0 thereby:\i 17. \i0 And came and preached \b peace\b0 to you [\ul Gentiles\ulnone ] which were \b afar\b0 \b off\b0 [made nigh by the blood, v.13; this is not the salvation of Gentiles], and to them [Jews] that were nigh.\i 18. \i0 For through him we \b both\b0 have access by one Spirit unto the \b Father\b0 .\i 19. \i0 Now therefLVALore ye [\ul Gentiles\ulnone ] are \b no\b0 \b more\b0 \b strangers\b0 and \b foreigners\b0 , but \b fellowcitizens\b0 with the saints, and \b of\b0 the \b household\b0 of \b God\b0 ;\rdblquote\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b DELAYED ABOUT SIX YEARS\par \pard\kerning0\b0 From the time that Paul was confronted by Jesus Christ in Acts 9 until Paul went up to Jerusalem to see Peter for the first time was about three years. \cf1\ul Gal_1:17-18\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote\b Neither\b0 \b went I up to Jerusalem\b0 to them which were apostles before me; but \b I went into Arabia\b0 , and returned again unto Damascus.\i 18. \i0 Then \b after three years\b0 I went up to Jerusalem to \b see\b0 \b Peter\b0 ...\rdblquote This fifteen day meeting in Jerusalem did not convince Peter that Gentiles would now be able to hear and receive what was once denied them in \cf1\ul Mat_10:5\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote Go not into the way of the Gentiles.\rdblquote It was about three years later that Peter was persuaded by the Lord in \b Acts 10:15 \b0\ldblquote ...What God hath cleansed, \i that \i0 call not thou common.\rdblquote After this vision Peter went to a Gentiles home and \ldblquote said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:\rdblquote \cf1\ul Act_10:34\cf0\ulnone Before this time Peter knew that God was a respector of persons, Gentiles were excluded. Yet \cf1\ul Act_10:44-45\cf0\ulnone\b \b0\ldblquote While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word.\i 45. \i0 And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished...\rdblquote When Cornelius and his house spake in tongues, it was a sign unto those who did not believe that this message was to be preached unto the Gentiles. Peter and those who were with him could no longer deny the message that was only for Israel was now open to Gentiles.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b LET HIM BE ACCURSED\par \pard\cf1\kerning0\ul Gal_1:9\cf0\ulnone \b0\ldblquote As we said befLVALore, so say I now again, If any \i man \i0 preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.\rdblquote Was Peter and the other apostles accursed because they were preaching something other than what Paul was preaching? No! Paul and Peter preached the same gospel of the kingdom of the heavens, but to different audiences. \cf1\ul Gal_2:7-8\cf0\ulnone\b \b0\ldblquote ...The \b gospel of the uncircumcision\b0 was committed unto \b me\b0 , as \i the \b gospel \i0 of the circumcision\b0 \i was \i0 unto \b Peter\b0 ;\i 8. \i0 (For he that wrought effectually in Peter to the \b apostleship \b0 of\b \b0 the\b circumcision\b0 , the same \b was\b0 \b mighty\b0 \b in\b0 \b me\b0 \b toward\b0 the \b Gentiles\b0 :)\rdblquote\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b CALLED BY OUR GOSPEL\par \pard\cf1\kerning0\ul 2Th_2:14\cf0\ulnone\b0 \ldblquote\b Whereunto\b0 he \b called\b0 \b you\b0 by \b our\b0 \b gospel\b0 , to the \b obtaining\b0 [gaining] of the \b glory\b0 of our Lord Jesus Christ.\rdblquote\b Before\b0 one can be \b called\b0 he \b must\b0 be \b saved\b0 . \cf1\ul 2Ti_1:9\cf0\ulnone\b \b0\ldblquote Who hath \b saved \b0 us, and \b called \b0\i us \i0 with an holy calling...\rdblquote The holy calling is \ldblquote ...unto his \b kingdom\b0 and \b glory\b0 .\rdblquote in \b 1 Thessalonians 2:12. \b0 Who are the ones that have been called by \ldblquote our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory?\rdblquote We find the answer to this question in \cf1\ul 2Th_2:13\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, \b brethren\b0 \b beloved\b0 of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning \b chosen\b0 you \b to\b0 \b salvation\b0 ...\rdblquote They are the ones that were chosen \ldblquote To salvation ... Whereunto\rdblquote they were called by Paul\rquote s gospel. The words \ldblquote\b brethren\b0 \b beloved\b0\rdblquote is used to \b address\b0 those who are \b called\b0 . Both words are in the vocative caLVALse which is the case of address. \ldblquote O Brethren, O ones having been loved.\rdblquote (The word \ldblquote beloved\rdblquote is a perfect passive participle.) This phrase is only found here and in \cf1\ul 1Th_1:4\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote Knowing, \b brethren\b0 \b beloved\b0 , your election of God.\rdblquote \ldblquote Brethren beloved\rdblquote are the elect in Christ that have been chosen \ldblquote to salvation\rdblquote that is in Christ. This salvation is referred to by Paul in \cf1\ul 2Ti_2:10\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote ... I endure all ... for the \b elect\rquote s\b0 sakes, that they \b may\b0 also \b obtain\b0 the \b salvation\b0 which is \b in\b0 \b Christ\b0 Jesus with \b eternal\b0 \b glory\b0 .\rdblquote This is not the \ldblquote common salvation\rdblquote that is offered to those who are \b not\b0 \b in\b0 \b Christ\b0 . The salvation offered unto the \b elect\b0 \b in\b0 \b Christ\b0 is the \ldblquote great salvation; which \b at\b0 \b the\b0 \b first\b0 began to be spoken by the Lord,...\i\rdblquote \cf1\ul\i0 Heb_2:3\cf0\ulnone The \ldblquote So great salvation\rdblquote is associated with the mysteries of the Kingdom of the heavens which was offered to the nation of Israel at the beginning. This salvation offered to the elect \b may\b0 or \b may\b0 \b not\b0 \b be\b0 \b gained; \b0 it depends if the elect \ldblquote ...give diligence to make your \b calling\b0 and \b election\b0 \b sure\b0 ...\i 11. \i0 For so an \b entrance\b0 shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting \b kingdom\b0 of our Lord.\rdblquote \cf1\ul 2Pe_1:10-11\cf0\ulnone\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b JUDGED ACCORDING TO MY GOSPEL\par \pard\cf1\kerning0\ul Rom_2:16\cf0\ulnone\b0 "In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men \b by\b0 \b Jesus\b0 \b Christ\b0 according to \b my\b0 \b gospel\b0 ." This is the judgment seat of Christ and not the great white throne judgment. (The saved are judged in the context of verse 16) \cf1\ul pLVALRom_2:6-7\cf0\ulnone\b \b0\ldblquote Who will render to \b every\b0 \b man\b0 according to his \b deeds\b0 :\i 7. \i0 To them who by patient \b continuance\b0 \b in\b0 \b well\b0 \b doing\b0 \b seek\b0 for \b glory\b0 and \b honour\b0 and \b immortality\b0 [\ul incorruption\ulnone ], eternal life:\rdblquote \cf1\ul Rom_2:10-11\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote But \b glory\b0 , \b honour\b0 , and peace, to every man that \b worketh\b0 \b good\b0 , ... For \b there is no respect of persons\b0 with God.\rdblquote \b Colossians 3:24-25\b0 \ldblquote ...of the Lord ye shall receive the \b reward\b0 of the \b inheritance\b0 : for ye serve...\i 25. \i0 But he that \b doeth\b0 \b wrong\b0 \b shall\b0 \b receive\b0 for the \b wrong\b0 which he hath done: and \b there is no respect of persons\b0 .\rdblquote \cf1\ul 2Co_5:9-10\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote Wherefore \b we\b0 \b labour\b0 , \b that\b0 , ... we \b may\b0 be \b accepted\b0 [well pleasing] of him.\i 10. \i0 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things \i done \i0 in \i his \i0 body, according to that he hath done, whether \i it be \i0 good or bad.\rdblquote\cf3\f1\fs23\par } Pauls Gospelb*x{hUB/ h i h i h i h i i h i h i h h i h i ^LVALnMR28AllowZeroLengthRequired( Title  .Comments