*26th ed. Nestles, Allen Text, American Bible Society; New York **Gramcord Institute, 2218 NE Brookview Dr,; Vancouver WA 98686 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of MAT 7: 21 T/ord ou 3756 ---- part --- -- ------- not 1 pas 3956 mas adj nom s ------- all, every 2 o 3588 mas artl nom s ------- the 3 legw 3004 pres act nom s mas-Ptc to say 4 egw 1473 ---- ---- dat s pronoun I 5 kurios 2962 mas ---- voc s noun--- Lord 6 kurios 2962 mas ---- voc s noun--- Lord 7 eisercomai 1525 fut mid ind 3s ---verb to come into 8 eis 1519 ---- ---- acc -- prep--- unto 9 o 3588 fem artl acc s ------- the 10 basileia 0932 fem ---- acc s noun--- kingdom 11 o 3588 mas artl gen p ------- the 12 ouravos 3772 mas ---- gen p noun--- heaven 13 alla 0235 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- but 14 o 3588 mas artl nom s ------- the 15 poiew 4160 pres act nom s mas-Ptc to do 16 o 3588 neu artl acc s ------- the 17 qelnma 2307 neu ---- acc s noun--- will 18 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 19 patnr 3962 mas ---- gen s noun--- father 20 egw 1473 ---- ---- gen s pronoun I 21 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 22 ev 1722 ---- ---- dat -- prep--- in 23 o 3588 mas artl dat p ------- the 24 ouravos 3772 mas ---- dat p noun--- heaven 25 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of MAT 7: 22 T/ord polus 4183 mas adj nom p ------- great/many 1 rew 4483 fut act ind 3p ---verb to say 2 egw 1473 ---- ---- dat s pronoun I 3 ev 1722 ---- ---- dat -- prep--- in 4 ekeivos 1565 fem ---- dat s pronoun this/these; that/those 5 o 3588 fem artl dat s ------- the 6 nmera 2250 fem ---- dat s noun--- day 7 kurios 2962 mas ---- voc s noun--- Lord 8 kurios 2962 mas ---- voc s noun--- Lord 9 ou 3756 ---- part --- -- ------- not 10 o 3588 neu artl dat s ------- the 11 sos 4674 neu ---- dat s pronoun thee 12 ovoma 3686 neu ---- dat s noun--- name 13 profnteuw 4395 aor act ind 1p ---verb I am prophesying 14 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 15 o 3588 neu artl dat s ------- the 16 sos 4674 neu ---- dat s pronoun thee 17 ovoma 3686 neu ---- dat s noun--- name 18 daimoviov 1140 neu ---- acc p noun--- a demon 19 ekballw 1544 aor act ind 1p ---verb cast from 20 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 21 o 3588 neu artl dat s ------- the 22 sos 4674 neu ---- dat s pronoun thee 23 ovoma 3686 neu ---- dat s noun--- name 24 duvamis 1411 fem ---- acc p noun--- power 25 polus 4183 fem adj acc p ------- great/many 26 poiew 4160 aor act ind 1p ---verb to do 27 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of MAT 7: 23 T/ord kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 1 tote 5119 ---- adv --- -- ------- that time 2 omologew 3670 fut act ind 1s ---verb I am confessing 3 autos 0846 mas ---- dat p pronoun he/they 4 oti 3754 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- that 5 oudepote 3763 ---- adv --- -- ------- never 6 givwskw 1097 aor act ind 1s ---verb to know 7 su 4771 ---- ---- acc p pronoun you 8 apocwrew 0672 pres act imp 2p ---verb I am departing from 9 apo 0575 ---- ---- gen -- prep--- from 10 egw 1473 ---- ---- gen s pronoun I 11 o 3588 mas artl voc p ------- the 12 ergazomai 2038 pres mid voc p mas-Ptc I am laboring 13 o 3588 fem artl acc s ------- the 14 avomia 0458 fem ---- acc s noun--- lawlessness 15